If you use any kind of computer the steps are as follows: Get your screen centered on your kwami. Next, hold down Ctrl+Shift+The button above 6. This may take a few tries
Name Is Tacky Favorite Food Is Chocolate Weapon is Bow Transform Words Tacky Let's Sneak DeTransform Words tacky let's sleep power is to change the size of things can only use the power 5 times for a day animal squirrel and gender female
hero name Solana owner me personality kind of shy likes to play and silly sometimes serious (Is like multi Mouse power)
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Transformation:Scar, run time
Detransformation:Scar,sleep time
Power:Time travel,speed
Superpower:30 minutes of speed and time traveling
Wepon:A stik(like his Chat Noir)
Superhero neackle:Some stripes on her body with a ocelot symbol on the chest
Hero name:Chase
animal: fluffy moth
power: moon Manipulation ,moon Energy Manipulation
Transform: luna let's fly to moon!
Detransform: luna let's fly way to moon
Miraculous: charming crystal on moon hair clip
min time out detransform :40 min
weapons: magic staff fantasy
abillity staff: moon magic
How do I take a photo
If you use any kind of computer the steps are as follows: Get your screen centered on your kwami. Next, hold down Ctrl+Shift+The button above 6. This may take a few tries
Kwami name: Skippy
Animal: Squirrel
Kwami of: Agility
Transform: Skippy, let's go out!
Detransform: Skippy, let's go home.
Powers: Flight and super Agile/Flexible
Special power: Super speed (phrase - Let's get speedy Can only be used once per villain and lasts for 30 secs)
Weapon: An acorn shaped yo-yo
Miraculous: Necklace: Camouflaged - Plain pink Superhero - Pink and has acorn (squirrel symbol) on it
Owner: Me!
Superhero name: Buffy
animal:lion fairy
fav food:Cookie
Likes:Food,winning,friends,shiny,candy,and being loud
Hunter grants the power of strength,loud roars ,scratching,and illusions
transformation:HUNTER LETS ROAR!
miraculous for Madame sheep is a star necklace
Prees View rest dinosaurkwamio
Why can't I get my screen big enough
Superhero name Madam sheep Chinese name keke
meet Rylie the white dragon kwami
Coming Soon
Name Is Tacky Favorite Food Is Chocolate Weapon is Bow Transform Words Tacky Let's Sneak DeTransform Words tacky let's sleep power is to change the size of things can only use the power 5 times for a day animal squirrel and gender femalehero name Solana owner me personality kind of shy likes to play and silly sometimes serious (Is like multi Mouse power)
this is sharp(the image below)
idk what animal
You need to make an Android version of Kwami greater as I can't play on it!?
age:one of the first kwamis
animal:its obvous a wolf
power:purify and howling-summons spirit wolfs
atention do not skip from here
without holder power CATastrophe:summons a angryand werwolf like version of one his pasts holder
realtionships:plagg=best friend mike=now time holder tikki=rival
likes:everything besides ladybugs
doesnt like:ladybugs
accessoir:a finger less glove (yeah i know its no real accessoir but bunyx has a clock so this ahould be okay)
so it like boy to kiss lol
Animal: Type of lamb or cow? Idk
Kwami name: Lilan
Age: Super old
Likes: Food and people (haha)
Dislikes: Tomato and feeling stressed.
Powers: idk yet…
ismi : togi
dönüştürme:togi kulakları titret!
geri dönüştürme:togi kulakları durdur!
güç:kulaklarînı titreterek karşısındakini uyutması(bayıltması)
sevdikleri:şeker tozu,kediler,tilkiler,uçmak, dönüştürme
sevmedikleri:köpekler ve tavşanlar
Name: Harxx
Age: 18
Gender: Girl
Likes : cats, foxes, and flying
dislikes: PIGS
power: Darkness, ice and wind
how do you post it down ther
Name: Golaap
Age: Pretty old
Gender: Genderless
Pronouns: He/him
Favourite food: Pineapple
Transformation: Golaap, ring the cowbell!
Detransformation: Golaap, quiet the cowbell.
Likes: Food, peace and quiet, Suhani (holder)
Dislikes: Yucky things
Friends: Ziggy, Kaalki, Daizzi, Orikko, Suhani
Power: Healing
Name: Jaara
Age: Really old
Gender: Genderless
Pronouns: She/they/it, mostly she
Appearance: She is golden with black rosettes all over her body. She has round ears. She has those antenna thingies that kwamis have.
Favourite Food: Basically anything that makes you smart
Likes: Sophie (holder), transforming, art
Dislikes: “Accidentally” learning other people’s secrets when she uses telepathy without a holder.
Personality: Creative, funny, regrets things a lot
Friends: Kaalki, Tikki, Wayzz, Pollen, Sophie, Marinette
Powers and Abilities: Telepathy
Kwami: impala
Name: Polly
Power: speed, and illusions
Transformation: Polly lets dance
De-transformation: Polly stop dancing
Favourite food: lettuce
Miraculous item: armlet that is peach/orange with gray at the end
Gender: female
Owner: Mathew
Weapon: grey spiral staff
I'll try
so crazy
Kwami Name: Bommo
Kwami: Panda
Transform: Bommo, let's Hunt!
De-Transform: Let's Rest
Power: Can slice anyting by using a green sword (slicer!), teleport(teleportix!), invisibility(invisi!)
Special: magic charm and de evilized (bc in my story, there is no ladybug lol)
Weapon: Yoyo, Sword
Miraculous: pendant necklace (camouflaged grey, charged Black w/ panda pic)
Owner: Hazel (mee)
Fav food: macaroons (or something else)
Gender: female
Pronounce: She/her (ofc)
Hero name: Pandax
Done uwu
kwami: cow name: maii fav food: macaroons miraculous: necklace
Kwami: Alpha Wolf
Kwami's Name: Alfa
Transformation: Alfa, Let's Howl!
De-Transformation: Alfa, Stop Howling.
Gender: Female
Favourite food: Fried chicken
Miraculous: Panjas Bracelet
Powers: Alpha Howl, Flight, Levitation, Power Scratch, Dreadful Tune of Hatredness
Owner: Lala Agreste (That's me!)
Hero Name: Alpha Wolfi
Villain name: Alpha Howli
Weapon: Microphone (also called as a mic)
There's more of Alfa looks! Check it out!
Antarctic Alfa
Transformation: Antarctic Alfa, Let's howl!
De-transformation: Antarctic Alfa: Stop howling.

Undersea Alfa
Transformation: Undersea Alfa, Let's howl!
De-transformation: Undersea Alfa, Stop howling.
nome: Lena
animal: formiga
Frase de tranformação: Lena, Hora de formigar
Frase de destranformação: Lena, cair antenas
poder: Ficar minúscula, e pode picar as pessoas com seu instrumento de trabalho
miraculous: bracelete
miraculous antes de tranformação: bracelete branco
miraculous com a transformação: bracelete marrom com vermelho
gênero: feminina
nome da heroína: Antmary
instrumento (como o iô iÔ da ladybug)/ arma: Um espinho que se estica como espada, ou bastão.
frase do porder: Formigar!
come: Frutas pequenas e nozes
personalidade: fria, meio debochada, mas fofa, e meiga com qm gosta. Animada e um pouco vingativa.