Gücü: Yağmur, kar vesaire gibi doğa olayları yaratabiliyor. Sadece kahramanın faaliyeti uygulayacağı kişinin adını söyleyip, ".... Don, Islan..." gibi bir cümle kurması yetiyor.
This is my Kwami. Name: Victor Species: Half-Human, Half-monkey, Half-Dem0n K1ng, Half-Cat. Backstory: He was a power boy then splat saving his bro Vincent in a car crash. He then became this.
For legal reasons this is a joke. not. we 100% serious.
Kwami: Snow Leopard (if i could I would have drawn on more spots on face and limbs and made the eyes different but this is a great start!)
Name: Paxon
Personality: Calm and collected
Transformation: Paxon, pounce out!
De-transformation: Paxon, hide out!
Miraculous: when deactivated, it looks like a round, silver pin but when activated, it appears to be a snow leopard's face with it's tail surrounding it and bright blue gem stones for eyes. Spots on tail fade out as time runs out.
specialty: stealth
super power: Magic word= camouflage: can go nearly invisible for a short period of time to sneak up on opponent/ gather info. if they stay camouflaged for too long then they de-transform. (Only a total of 5 mins available)If they make contact with anyone or anything, power is deactivated for a short period of time
weapon: close combat fist fighting but also maybe brass knuckles?
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Kwami name: Fluff
Kwami: Bunny
Transformation: Fluff, Clockwise
Detransformation words: Fluff, Counterclockwise
Miraculous: Watch
Weapon: Her special superpower, Burrow, allows her to create portals that can traverse through time
Power: Time Travel
Prénom: Ivy
Transformation: Ivy, transforme moi !
Détransformation: Dé-transformation.
Miraculous: Bracelet de cheville
Arme: Boomerang
Pouvoir: Invisibilité
Activation du pouvoir: Disparition !
Nom de super-héros: Lady Bat
all of yours look like twinks
Bu da benim Kwami'im.
İsim: Keopi
Dönüşüm: Keopi, bulutlar!
Gücü: Yağmur, kar vesaire gibi doğa olayları yaratabiliyor. Sadece kahramanın faaliyeti uygulayacağı kişinin adını söyleyip, ".... Don, Islan..." gibi bir cümle kurması yetiyor.
Kendisi Plagg gibi yok ediş Kwami'si.
(Markings: Polen, Eyes: Tikki, Ears: Tikki, Face: Keçi Kwami'si)
This is my Kwami.

Name: Victor
Species: Half-Human, Half-monkey, Half-Dem0n K1ng, Half-Cat.
Backstory: He was a power boy then splat saving his bro Vincent in a car crash. He then became this.
For legal reasons this is a joke. not. we 100% serious.
LMFAO omg the story i cant👹💀👹💀👹💀👹💀👹💀
Kwami name: Raposa
Kwami: Mouse
Transformation: Raposa Sunlight
Detransformation words: Moon Light
Miraculous: Bracelet
Weapon: To turn small
Power: Control people
Kwami name: fluffy
Kwami: Bunny
Transformation: Fluffy, lets hop
Detransformation: Lets rest
Miraculous: Choker
Weapon: Knifes
Power: To be able to have any weapon in mind
name: Mozu
transform: Mozu, moonlight
de transform: Mozu, sunrise
Nombre: Kitty
Kwami: Gato
Miraculous: collar de pinchos en el cuello
Transformación: "Kitty, ¡pinchos fuera!"
Destransformación: "Kitty, ¡pinchos fuera!"
Poder: 1 "prick it", poder de pinchar y copiar el poder del enemigo.
2 "time to scratch", poder de arañar y destruir lo que arañe.
Género: Femenino
Personalidad: Astuta, inteligente, buen sentido del humor, amable y cariñosa.
Comida preferida: galleta de chocolate
Portadora: Itzi White
Nombre de superheroína: Kitty Noir
Cualidades mejoradas: agilidad en e movimiento, rapidez, saltar más alto y poder escalar cualquier superficie.
Kwami Name: Mackenzie
Kwami: Mouse
Miraculous: Ankle bracelet
Transformation Words: Mackenzie Cheese Time
De-Transformation Words: Mackenzie Cheese Break
Power: To sneak around unnoticeable and turn tiny.
Miraculous looks like this...
Kwami name: Twitch
Kwami: Fox
Miraculous: Bracelet
Transformation words: Twitch lets jump
De-transformation words: Twitch Lets rest
Weapon: Sword
Power: To turn invisible and have fast reflexes
My kwami! (I'm a Brazilian 🇧🇷) has image of my heroine on my Instagram @iscarlaty._ribeiro can go there if you want!
•Kwami: Dalmatian
•Name: Luckyy
•Miraculous: Brooch
•Transformation: "Luckyy, time to shake!"
•Des-transformation: "Luckyy, rest."
•Weapon: Bat that turns into a shield.
•Power: Speed
ta muito fofo eu ameii
Kwami: manipulation kwami.
Name: melison.
Transformation: melison get dizzy.
Detransformation: melison let’s rest.
Miraculous: bracelet.
Powers: Manipulation, Flight, invisibility, dual knock out pistols( they don’t kill they knock them out for abt 12 seconds)
Snack: chocolate.
Weapon: dual knock out pistols.
Superhero name: Frostbyte.
Nombre: Zar
kwami: Lobo
Portadora: (yo) Taylor Dupain-cheng
Género: Masculino
Personalidad: Chistoso, líder, astuto, inteligente, amigable, sarcástico, impulsivo y rudo.
Miraculous: Brazalete con dije de cuarzo lunar
Poder: Súper fuerza y aullido (puedo destruír lo que sea a larga o corta distancia y hacer vibrar con un aullido localizado)
Palabras del poder miraculous: ¡Aullido destructivo!
Transformación: ¡Zar, luna llena!
Destransformacion: Zar, luna incompleta!
Arma: Katana doble
Comida: croquetas de perro
Nombre de Superheroe: Midnight
this is ruffles
this is the miracoulus
kwami: Libélula
Genero: Femenino
Milagrosa: Pinza para el cabello en forma de alas
Poder: Controlar la gravedad
Transformación: ¡Treyni elevate!
Destransformacion: Treyni, cuerpo a tierra.
Arma: Látigo
Comida: Chicles ácidos
Nombre de Superheroe: Raise Low
Bonjour, je voulais savoir comment je peux faire mon kwami ? Merci de me répondre
Hello, I wanted to know how I can make my kwami ? Thank you for answering me
It's not available for phones at the moment, you can play it on a tablet, laptop or desktop.
kwami: raposa
nome: Ares
poderes: controlar o ar.
miraculous: colar do equilíbrio.
poder especial: usa seus olhos cor de fogo para ler mentes, já que eles ajudam na intuição.
comida para energizar: leite ou flor lavanda, mas ama peixe
arma: presas
nome de super- heroína: (Lady) Flya
Transformação: lua crescente, agora e para sempre
De-Transformação: Lua minguante, relampejante
~coisas relacionadas à kwami~ ar, fogo, céu, lua.
i created plagg and tikkis kid the kwami that is created when they unify and destroyed when divided :)
Kwami: Turtle
Name: Taj
Weapon: Carapace (back)
Power: Can control all types of water
Transformation: Taj let's surf!
De-Transformation: Taj lets rest
Secret Power up Able to turn invisible and strength if it eats the right food!
Activation Words For Weapon use: Taj wipeout!
Food for power-up: For invisible power-up he needs seaweed! For strength, he needs 2 batches of grass!
Miraculous: A necklace
Superhero name: Aquaprace
Hope you like it!
Hello new kwamis of the day

first name:
his power:
teleportation, explosion of fire,
go back in time and make holograms
the name of the superhero:
type of kwamis:
legendary and divine
Name: Sophia
Kwami: Dog
Miraculous: Earings
Item: Book
Miraculous Holder: Belle
Special power: Can use her book to enter a huge library. Can also use the book to know and find out anything.
Superhero name: Lady Knowledge
And I don't know about transformation and de-transformation.
Name: Minnie
Kwami: Mouse
Miraculous: Black Choker
Item: Wand
Miraculous Holder: Cinderella
Special power: wand leads cinderella to a Castle-type room that she can see all points in time.
Transform: "Twist time"
De-Transform: "Untwist time"
Superhero name: Lady Time
name : doggie
transformation: doggie,fur οut
de-transformation: fur in
miraculous :earrings
superhero name: dogetier
wow I just cant stop making kwamis
Kwami: Ratinho Galaxial
Nome: Quizzie
Palavras de transformação: Quizzie, vamos viajar!
Palavras de de-trasnformação: Quizzie, aterrissar
Milagrosa: Um bracelete com estrelinhas
Arma: Uma pistolinha intergalatica
Nome do super herói: MoonMouse
Superpoder: Habilidades avançadas (Eu corro, pulo muito mais que as outras pessoas) e os cinco sentidos mais potentes

Proprietária: Kantan Cesaire (no caso, eu)
Kwami: Raposa Angelical
Nome: Quirk
Palavras de transformação: Quirk, Hora de voar
Palavras de de-trasnformação: Quirk, descansar
Milagroso: Laço de cabelo
Arma: Harpa
Nome do super herói: Lady Foxy
Superpoder: Super audição
Proprietária: Cris Martin
Milagroso antes da transformação:
kwami: wolf
name: moon
transformation words : moon lets hunt
De-transformation: moon lets rest
Miraculous: half moon necklace
weapon: metal sword
superhero name: moon light
superpower words: howl to the moon
superpower: to slow time
owner: Melanie-from London

kwami Animal- Red Panda
Name- Tutu
Transformation Words- Tutu climb the tree
De-transformation Words- Tutu Climb down
(Red Pandas Like To Climb Up Trees)
Miraculous- Necklace or Anklet
Weapon- To camouflage and to temporarily grant special powers such as strength, speed, invisibility
(These Powers Only Last 3 Minutes)
Activation Words For Weapon use- Granted
Power Food- Any type of fruit
Superhero Name- Kiala
Gender- Female
(I'm sorry Tutu kinda looks like Trixx, Rena Rouge's swami)
Name: Jinx
Kwami: Air
Gender: Female
Miraculous: Metal Ring
Super Power: Mind/Thought Reading
Weapon: Poisonous Sting Tail
Transformation: Jinx, Lucifer's up!
Detransformation: Jinx, close the gates!
Fav food: Gummy Bear
Kwami: Snow Leopard
(if i could I would have drawn on more spots on face and limbs and made the eyes different but this is a great start!)
Name: Paxon
Personality: Calm and collected
Transformation: Paxon, pounce out!
De-transformation: Paxon, hide out!
Miraculous: when deactivated, it looks like a round, silver pin but when activated, it appears to be a snow leopard's face with it's tail surrounding it and bright blue gem stones for eyes. Spots on tail fade out as time runs out.
specialty: stealth
super power: Magic word= camouflage: can go nearly invisible for a short period of time to sneak up on opponent/ gather info. if they stay camouflaged for too long then they de-transform. (Only a total of 5 mins available)If they make contact with anyone or anything, power is deactivated for a short period of time
weapon: close combat fist fighting but also maybe brass knuckles?
superhero name: Ghost
𝙉𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙚;; Faata
𝙆𝙬𝙖𝙢𝙞;; Hada blanca
𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨;; un collar hexagonal
𝙋𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙧;; Polvo de hadas (puede duplicar el poder de otro miraculous)
𝙁𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙤́𝙣;; ¡Faata, alas!/¡Fuera alas!
𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙖;; un cetro
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙖;; Gomitas
KWAMI: Caracal
WEAPON: Gauntlet