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Name: Hershey, Miraculous of the: (Chocolate) Labrador Retriever, transformation and detransformation phrases: Hershey, fetch! and, (Hershey,) Rest. 

 Holder's hero name: Canine Crusader. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined (Feel free to suggest!). Powers: Enhanced Senses (The superhero could have heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight, allowing them to detect danger or find people in need from great distances), Super Strength and Agility (Just like a Labrador Retriever, the superhero could have incredible strength and agility, making them excellent in physical confrontations and able to perform impressive feats of athleticism), Healing Touch (The superhero could have the ability to heal minor injuries with a touch, reflecting the nurturing and caring nature of Labrador Retrievers), Fetch Ability (The superhero could summon objects to their hand from a distance, similar to how a dog fetches items. This could be useful for retrieving important items or disarming opponents), Pack Leader (The superhero could have the ability to communicate with and command animals, especially dogs, to assist in various situations), and Loyal Shield (The superhero could create a protective barrier around themselves or others, symbolizing the loyalty and protective nature of Labrador Retrievers). Weapon: Retractable Leash (Deets: This weapon could extend and retract at will, allowing the superhero to use it for various purposes such as:

Grappling Hook: To swing between buildings or pull objects towards them.
Binding Tool: To tie up villains or secure items.
Shield: The leash could create a protective barrier when spun rapidly.
Energy Whip: It could emit a glowing energy that can be used to strike or defend). Miraculous Object: Chocolate Lab figure / toy (specifically this one from : Farm World, Realistic Animal Toys for Kids and Toddlers, Labrador Retriever Dog Toy Figurine, Ages 3+) [the figure must be kept on the miraculous holder at all times. Most holders hide the figure in their pockets for safekeeping]. Kwami's favorite snack: Scooby snacks.

Name: Shadow, Miraculous of the: German Shepard, transformation and detransformation phrases: Shadow, put your guard up! and, (Shadow,) Let your guard down.


 Holder's hero name: Shepherd Knight. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined (feel free to suggest!). Powers: Guardian Shield (The hero can create a protective barrier that can shield themselves and others from attacks), Tracking Sense (Enhanced senses that allow the hero to track and locate people or objects over long distances), Pack Leader (The ability to summon and command a pack of spectral dogs to assist in battle or perform tasks), Loyal Bond (The hero can form a temporary, unbreakable bond with an ally, enhancing their abilities and coordination), and Bark Blast (A powerful sonic bark that can disorient enemies and break through obstacles). Weapon: Shepherd’s Whistle (Deets: A whistle that can summon spectral dogs, create sound waves to disorient enemies, or communicate over long distances). Miraculous Object: German Shepard figure / toy (specifically this one from : Farm World, Realistic Animal Toys for Boys and Girls, German Shepherd Dog Toy Figurine, Ages 3+) [the figure must be kept on the miraculous holder at all times. Most holders hide the figure in their pockets for safekeeping]. Kwami's favorite snack: Sausage Bites.

Name: Fin

Gender: Boy

Animal: Fish

Kwami of the Miraculous of Truth

Powers: Truth: Make enemies tell the truth for 5 min, 5min recharge.

Charm/Jewel: Diving goggles.

To Transform: "Fin, let's dive!"

To Detransform: "Fin, splash out."

Owner: ?

Fact: He doesn't like when people act fishy.

Elemental Dragon crew:

1. Name: Blaze

Gender: Girl? Boy? Unknown?

Animal: Fire Dragon

Kwami of The Miraculous of Fire

Powers: Burn: Allows to shot fire from hands for 5 min if kid if not until deactivated.

Charm/Jewel: Fire badge, looks like a normal orange badge when in hiding.

To Transform: "Blaze, let's burn!"

To Detransform: "Blaze, burn out."

Owner: Flame Bender

Fact: Blaze likes to eat ghost peppers.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.  Name: Breeze

Gender: Girl

Animal: Wind Dragon

Kwami of The Miraculous of Wind

Powers: Tornado: Makes tornados. 

Charm/Jewel: A light grey head band with light blue swirls on it.

To Transform: "Breeze, wind's twisting!"

To Detranceform: "Breeze, calm winds."

Owner: Twister (she named herself after the movie Twister)

Fact: Breeze is very shy and cautious.


3. Name: Wave

Gender: Girl

Animal: Water Dragon

Kwami of The Miraculous of Water

Powers: Water Bend: lets you control water.

Charm/Jewel: Waterproof shell bracelet.

To Transform: "Wave, high tide!"

To Detransform: "Wave, low tide."

Owner: Currently none.

Fact: Wave only choses people who like swimming.


4. Name: Stone

Gender: Boy

Animal: Earth Dragon (includes plant and rocks)

Kwami of The Miraculous of Earth

Powers: Plant talk: Talk to plants and get them to help you.

Charm/Jewel: A brown belt.

To Transform: "Stone, overgrow!"

To Detransform: "Stone, trim the thorns."

Owner: No current owner.

Fact: He is too serious in my opinion.


5. Name: Millennia

Gender: Girl

Animal: Forever Dragon

Kwami of The Miraculous of EVERYTHING

Powers: Everything, with no limit.

Charm/Jewel: The most beautiful necklace anyone has ever seen.

To Transform: "Millennia, spread my wings!"

To Detransform: "Millennia, hide my wings."

Owner:  Has only had 1 owner in history (Erm, the future). Her name will be ##$^*(^$#! .

(Sorry, can't let her spoil the future. -Bunnyx) 

Fact: #@#$#!@@#$^&*()))))**KF{}~ .


Okay, so that's it. Wait what happened to Millennia's part????????????????????????????

name nit wit 

transformation words nit wit stubidy

power words spred the stubidy

makes the target dumb and messes with there power  and can mess with the comunication with an akumatised villian and a centmonster created by the butterfly and pekoack mc

detransformation words nit wit time for school

sorry for the spelling

(1 edit)

name zombo

power words infection

what it dose it you can controle people just like nooro but theres no itam but you can only controle it for 6 minites 5 if your a kid cuz of time limit 

transformation words zombo spred the infaction 

detransformation words zombo time to cure


Name: Amphibi

Gender: Boy

Animal: Frog

Kwami of the Miraculous of Strangeness

Power: Stick: allows you to stick to walls.

Charm/Jewel: Green Brackets?

To Transform: "Amphibi, crazy time!"

To Detransform: "Amphibi, stop the strangeness."

Owner:?/Frog Eye (He is crazy!)

Fact: Never invite him to a party! (Unless you like utter chaos)


hey what you think of mine


name nit wit 

transformation words nit wit stubidy

power words spred the stubidy

makes the target dumb and messes with there power  and can mess with the comunication with an akumatised villian and a centmonster created by the butterfly and pekoack mc

detransformation words nit wit time for school


Name: Bunn


Animal: Bunny

Kwami of Teleportation 

Weapon: Staff

Power: Tell Hop (Hop three times and spin to do the power!)

Jewel: Flower Necklace

Transformation: Bunn, Hop high!

De-transformation: Bunn, Go low

Superhero Name: Haris 

My Kwami: Shadoo (pronounced: shadow)

Gender: girl (surprised?)

Animal: Vampire

Kwami of the Miraculous of Darkness

Power: Blood-Bite: anyone that you (As Shodoo says) 'bite' will be half controlled by you and half willingly following you. (I know if sounds like a Akumatized villain's power)

Charm/Jewel: Silver Cresent Moon Necklace which is covered in dry blood (yuck.).

To Transform: "Shadoo, Moon rise!" (before it was something like "Shodoo, let's bite!")

To Detransform: "Shadoo, Moon falls." (before it was "Shadoo, into the coffin.")

Owner: Me/MoonFang

Fact: she is actually quite responsible.


And here's another: Loomen (pronounced: lumen)

Gender: Boy (How?!)

Animal: Angel

Kwami of the Miraculous of Light

Power: Resurrection: makes ghosts come back from the dead and try to 'help' you and at the same time haunt everyone (I know that also sounds like an akumatized villan's power)

Charm/Jewel: a single sun shaped earing (witch apparently also works as a hearing aid).

To Transform: "Loomen, fall from the clouds!"

To Detransform: "Loomen, back to the clouds."

Owner: ?/Daylight

Fact: he always says "Dude!" and "Sheesh!"


How They We're Created: Loomen and Shadoo were accidentally created by Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch/Gabriel Agreste when he was trying to make NEW Miraculous, all for himself (not in series or movies). The Darkness Kwami and Light Kwami  escaped (with their Charms/Jewels), but they left one Kwami behind Heart: Kwami of love. 


Name: Heart

Gender: All genders?

Animal: Fairy Mouse creature?

Kwami of the Miraculous of Love

Power: Enchant: makes people fall in love with you for no reason (I know it also sounds like an akumatized villain's power)

Charm/Jewel: A Ring that in hiding form looks like a wedding ring. But normally is a silver ring with a pink diamond in the shape of a heart.

To Transform: "Heart, show the love!"

To Detranceform: "Heart, hide the love."

Owner: currently in possession of Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch

Fact: She always falls in love with some other Kwamis, but they say Kwamis can't fall in love.


More coming later!

(2 edits)

Miraculous:Name: Bitte

Gender: Male

Animal: Wolf

Kwami of Tracking

Power: Search, allows you to find anyone you have set eyes on

Weapon: Spear

Jewelry: Pendent

Transformation words: Bitte, time to run

De-transformation words: (Bitte) Stand still

Name: Waykki

Gender: Female

Type: Cow

Kwami of Telepation

Power: Bell ring, which telepate every thing

Miraculous Jewel type: hairband

Transformation words: Waykki, bell out

Detransformation words: (Waykki) bell in

Owner name: Sophie

Hero Name: Miss Bell

Weapon: Her tail

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