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Name: Diana, Miraculous of the: Goddess of hunting, transformation and detransformation phrases: Diana, Huntress's Spirit, Awaken! and, (Diana,) Rest the Bow. Holder's hero name: Artemis Arrow. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Hunter’s Intuition (The ability to sense the presence and movements of others, perfect for tracking and stealth), Artemis’ Aim (Unerring accuracy with any projectile, embodying the marksmanship of the goddess), Wilderness Whisper (Communication with and command over animals, tapping into the bond between the huntress and the natural world), Moonlit Camouflage (Blending into shadows or becoming nearly invisible under moonlight, ideal for surprise and evasion), and Celestial Agility (Enhanced agility and reflexes, allowing for swift and graceful movements). Weapon: Bow and arrows 🏹. Miraculous Object: Deer antler earrings. Kwami's favorite snack: Moonberry Delights (Deets: These could be magical berries that glow like the moon and provide a burst of energy, perfect for a kwami associated with the goddess of the hunt and the moon. They would be a unique and thematic treat for Diana!).

Name: Aurora, Miraculous of the: Goddess of dawn, transformation and detransformation phrases: Aurora, Dawn’s Light, Awaken! and, (Aurora,) Rest Until the New Dawn.  Holder's hero name: Lumina Dawnstar. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Dawn’s Embrace (The ability to envelop an area in a warm, healing light that can rejuvenate allies and restore them to their optimal condition), Solar Flare (A burst of radiant energy that can be directed at obstacles or adversaries, symbolizing the piercing power of the first light of dawn), Aurora Veil (A protective shield made of shimmering light, representing the aurora, which can defend against attacks and provide sanctuary), Daybreak Dash (Enhanced speed and agility that mimic the swift arrival of dawn, allowing for rapid movement and reflexes), and Luminous Illusion (The power to create illusions with light, disorienting opponents and providing strategic advantages). Weapon: Radiant Scepter (Deets: This scepter could be a versatile weapon that channels the light of dawn. It can have a crystal at its core that glows with the warmth of the first sunlight. The Radiant Scepter could have multiple functions: Beacon of Hope: It can emit a powerful light that guides and inspires allies.

Sunbeam Strike: A focused ray of light that can be used to target foes from a distance.

Dawn’s Shield: The scepter can create a dome of protective light around the hero or others.

Illumination Wave: A sweeping motion with the scepter releases a wave of light that reveals hidden objects or enemies). Miraculous Object: Sun necklace. Kwami's favorite snack: Stardust Sprinkles (Deets: These are tiny, star-shaped treats that shimmer with a light similar to the dawn. They are not only delicious for a kwami but also provide a little burst of magical energy. Perfect for a kwami associated with the Goddess of Dawn and the superhero Lumina Dawnstar).

Name: Mars, Miraculous of the: God of war, transformation and detransformation phrases: Mars, Engage in Battle! and, (Mars,) Cease the Combat. Holder's hero name: Ares Vanguard. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Primary Power: Strategist’s Insight (Grants the ability to see the opponent’s next move, representing the strategic aspect of warfare), Secondary Power: Ares’ Arsenal (Summons a variety of mythical weapons at will, each with unique abilities, symbolizing the God of War’s connection to weaponry), Defensive Power: Warrior’s Aegis (Conjures a shield that can protect against any attack for a short duration, reflecting the protective gear of a warrior), and Utility Power: Vanguard’s Velocity (Provides superhuman speed to swiftly navigate the battlefield, embodying the swift advance of a vanguard). Weapon: Martial Glaive (Deets: The Martial Glaive is a multifunctional weapon that can transform into different forms depending on the need of the battle. Its default form is a glaive, a polearm with a single-edged blade, symbolizing the blend of reach and precision.


Transformative Nature: The glaive can shift into a sword for close combat, a spear for throwing, or even a bow for ranged attacks.

Elemental Infusion: The user can channel elemental powers through the glaive, unleashing fire, ice, or lightning strikes.

Sentience: The weapon possesses a degree of sentience, allowing it to guide the user’s hand in battle, enhancing their combat effectiveness). Miraculous Object: Tactician’s Crest (Deets: The Tactician’s Crest is an ornate brooch or medallion that can be worn prominently on the superhero’s costume. It is designed with intricate patterns that resemble ancient war formations and is imbued with a radiant, fiery glow that pulsates in rhythm with the kwami’s energy.


Strategic Aura: When strategizing, the crest emits a subtle light, enhancing the wearer’s focus and decision-making abilities.

Emergency Signal: In times of dire need, the crest can send a distress signal to other Miraculous holders, calling for backup). Kwami's favorite snack: Mars Bars.

Name: Apollo, Miraculous of the: God of Sun and music, transformation and detransformation phrases: Apollo, play the melody of the sun! and, (Apollo,) rest the strings of light.  Holder's hero name: Solharmonia. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Solar Flare (The ability to unleash a powerful burst of sunlight, blinding opponents and powering up solar-based technologies), Melodic Shield (The power to create protective barriers made of musical vibrations that can deflect attacks), Harmony Heal (A healing ability that uses soothing melodies to restore health and calm emotions), and Luminous Path (The power to create beams of light that can be used to travel or guide others to safety). Weapon: Sunstrider Lyre (Deets: This weapon would be a golden lyre with strings that shine like sunrays. It can be played to control light and sound, creating various effects such as blinding flashes or soothing harmonies. The Sunstrider Lyre would also serve as a conduit for the superhero’s powers, allowing them to channel solar energy and musical vibrations into their abilities). Miraculous Object: Aureate Solar Disk (Deets: This object would be a beautifully crafted disk, resembling an ancient sun symbol, that can be worn as a pendant. It would glow with a warm light and resonate with musical tones when the powers are activated, serving as the source of the superhero’s abilities). Kwami's favorite snack: Sunlit Ambrosia Bites (Deets: These could be tiny, glowing treats that taste like a mix of sweet nectar and sun-warmed fruit, perfectly fitting for a kwami named after the God of Sun and music).

Name: Venus, Miraculous of the: Goddess of love, transformation and detransformation phrases: Venus, Hearts Unite! and, (Venus,) Love Restored. Holder's hero name: Amoura. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined.  Powers: Heartstring Connection (The ability to create a visible bond between people, strengthening their emotional understanding and empathy towards each other), Love’s Insight (A power that allows the hero to see the deep-rooted feelings and desires of others, helping to resolve conflicts and bring people together), Cupid’s Arrow (A special move that can inspire love and friendship in adversaries, turning foes into allies for a short period of time), Aura of Affection (An aura that emanates from the hero, calming those around them and diffusing tense situations with a wave of peace and goodwill), and Charm of Harmony (The power to heal emotional wounds, restoring peace of mind and heart to those affected by negative emotions). Weapon: Charmbrace of Affection (Deets: This weapon would be a beautiful bracelet that transforms into a magical whip or lasso when needed. The Charmbrace of Affection can ensnare enemies with bands of energy, symbolizing the unbreakable bonds of love. It can also be used to swing across the city, rescue civilians, or create barriers of protection. Its design would be intricate, with heart motifs and rose gold accents, embodying the essence of Venus, the Goddess of Love). Miraculous Object: Pendant of Passion (Deets: This pendant would be heart-shaped, adorned with intricate designs and a radiant gem at the center, symbolizing the warmth and power of love. It would be worn around the neck, close to the heart, as a constant reminder of the love that the superhero, Amoura, spreads through her actions and presence). Kwami's favorite snack: Stardust Sweets (Deets: These could be little star-shaped treats that sparkle with a bit of magical glimmer, perfect for a kwami connected to the Goddess of Love).

Name: Neptune, Miraculous of the: God of the Sea, transformation and detransformation phrases: Neptune, Tide Rise! and, (Neptune,) Ebb Away.  Holder's hero name: Oceanus Protector. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Hydrokinesis (The ability to control and manipulate water in all its forms, from creating tidal waves to summoning rainstorms), Aquatic Communication (The power to communicate with and command sea creatures, from the smallest fish to the mightiest whales), Marine Empathy (A deep connection with the sea that allows the hero to sense changes in the ocean’s currents and detect threats within its depths), Water Healing (Using sea water to heal wounds and purify toxins, embodying the restorative qualities of the ocean), and Oceanic Camouflage (The skill to blend into water, becoming nearly invisible to evade enemies or surprise them with an attack). Weapon: Trident of Tides (Deets: The Trident of Tides is a three-pronged spear that channels the essence of the sea. It can summon waves, control currents, and unleash blasts of concentrated water with the force of a jet stream. The trident can also act as a conduit for the hero’s hydrokinetic abilities, amplifying their power and precision.

Special Ability: As a unique feature, the trident could have the ability to transform into different forms of sea-related items, such as a shield made of coral or a net woven from seaweed, providing versatility in combat and defense). Miraculous Object: Ocean wave pendant. Kwami's favorite snack: undetermined. 

Name: Pyrrhus, Miraculous of the: Monstrous Nightmare, transformation and detransformation phrases: Pyrrhus, Blaze forth, Nightmare’s fire! and, (Pyrrhus,) Rest, embers of tranquility. 

 Holder's hero name: Inferno Wing. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined at the moment (feel free to share any suggestions) [At the moment,  I am considering giving this Miraculous to Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. What do you think of that?]. Powers: Flame Flight (The ability to fly, leaving a trail of protective fire in the wake), Nightmare’s Veil (A power to cast illusions, shrouding allies or confusing foes), Ember Claws (Fiery energy projections that can be used for both offense and defense), and Phoenix Rebirth (A self-healing ability that can be activated once per battle, symbolizing the rebirth aspect of a phoenix, which aligns with the fiery theme). Weapon: Flame Whip (Deets: It’s a versatile weapon that can be used to attack from a distance, defend by creating a fiery barrier, and even aid in mobility by latching onto objects. The whip could also have a secondary form as a Sword of Embers, allowing for close combat with the heat of a dragon’s breath). Miraculous Object: Monstrous Nightmare necklace. Kwami's favorite snack: Spicy Dragon Puffs (Deets: These imaginary treats could be little puffed snacks with a kick of heat, perfect for a kwami associated with a creature of flame and power). 

Name: Spynix, Miraculous of the: Deadly Nadder, transformation and detransformation phrases: Spynix, spines up! and, (Spynix,) Spines down. 

 Holder's hero name: DrakeSpike. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined at the moment (feel free to suggest!) . Powers: Dragon’s Breath (The ability to unleash a powerful breath of energy, similar to a dragon’s fiery breath, capable of repelling enemies or obstacles), Spine Quills (Launch sharp quills from the costume’s gauntlets or back, which can be used as projectiles or to create a defensive barrier), Flight (With the cape that doubles as wings, the power of limited flight, allowing for swift movement and aerial maneuvers), Enhanced Senses (Heightened senses that mimic a dragon’s keen sight and smell, providing an advantage in tracking and combat situations), and Tail Whip (A retractable tail from the costume that can be used as a formidable weapon with the speed and force of a dragon’s tail). Weapon: SpikeTail Whip (Deets: Primary Form: A flexible, whip-like weapon with a handle that resembles a dragon’s tail, complete with scales and spines.

Secondary Form: The whip can transform into a staff for close combat, with the tail’s spines serving as blades along one edge.

Special Ability: The weapon can channel the Miraculous’ energy to unleash a ‘Dragon’s Fury’ attack, a powerful wave of energy simulating a dragon’s roar.

This weapon would complement DrakeSpike’s abilities, allowing for a dynamic fighting style and strategic versatility). Miraculous Object: Choker (when transformed, it gains a Deadly Nadder charm and Deadly Nadder inspired spikes). Kwami's favorite snack: Starfire Berries (Deets: These magical berries could be said to contain the essence of the stars, glowing with a soft light and bursting with energy. They would be a rare and special treat for Spynix, providing a delightful boost!).

(1 edit)

Kwami Name: Diddi

Animal: Duck

Transformation words: Diddi, Full Voyage!

De-transformation words: Diddi, Full Stop

Kwami of Forgiveness 

Miraculous: Watch (not a smartwatch)

Gender: A boy

Power: Freeze! Rewind! 

Special power: ( if you use Infinite Diddi, you can use Fulfill to fulfill someone’s dream

Weapon: Yo-yo clock

Holder: ME!

Name: Celeris, Miraculous of the: Cougar, transformation and detransformation phrases: Celeris, let's roar! and, (Celeris,) Quiet your roar. 

Holder's hero name: Pardus Swift. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined at the moment [feel free to offer suggestions!] Powers: Agility Surge (The ability to move with incredible speed and agility, dodging attacks with ease), Predatory Instinct (Enhanced senses that allow for tracking and understanding the environment on a deeper level), Pounce Strike (A powerful leap that can be used to overcome obstacles or take down adversaries), Stealth Mode (Temporary invisibility to blend into surroundings, perfect for surprise attacks or evading detection), and Resilience Roar (A roar that boosts morale and heals minor injuries of allies within a certain radius). Weapon: Whip of Finesse (Deets: This flexible weapon would symbolize the cougar’s tail and allow for a wide range of swift and precise movements. It could also have a secondary function as a grappling tool, enabling the superhero to swing between structures or pull objects towards them. The Whip of Finesse would be a versatile addition to the superhero’s arsenal, perfect for a character embodying the cougar’s agility and strength). Miraculous Object: Talisman Bracelet (Deets: This sleek, adjustable bracelet would be adorned with a cougar emblem and embedded with mystical stones that glow when the powers are activated. It’s both a symbol of the superhero’s connection to their kwami and a source of their abilities, blending seamlessly into everyday life as a stylish accessory). Kwami's favorite snack: Magical Berries.

Name: Tazzle, Miraculous of the: Tasmanian Devil, transformation and detransformation phrases: Tazzle, unleash Tasmanian fury! and, (Tazzle,) Vanish. Holder's hero name: Tazmania. Holder's "civilian" name: . Powers: Tornado Spin (Tazmania can create powerful whirlwinds by spinning rapidly, allowing flight and disorienting opponents), Enhanced Strength and Agility (Tazmania possesses incredible physical strength and agility, making them formidable in combat), Sonic Roar (Tazmania can emit a sonic roar that can shatter objects, knock back enemies, and create shockwaves), Camouflage (Tazmania can blend into their surroundings, becoming nearly invisible when needed), and Clawed Gauntlets (Tazmania’s gauntlets have retractable claws, perfect for close combat). Weapon: Boomerang Blades (Deets: These specially designed boomerangs can be thrown with precision, returning to Tazmania after hitting their target. They can slice through obstacles, disarm opponents, and even be used for mid-air acrobatics). Miraculous Object: Tasmanian Devil Pendant (Deets: This intricately designed pendant, when worn, grants Tazmania their superpowers and allows them to transform into the heroic persona. The pendant could feature the fierce visage of a Tasmanian devil, capturing the essence of their wild and powerful nature. Kwami's favorite snack: spicy eucalyptus leaves.

I still need help with the rest but 


miraculous: prajnia devil half face mask 

(3 edits)


Power:to burst snow out of the wielders hands or snow that traps the villain in a block of ice and make a track of ice that wielder slides on. 


Personality:playful, shy, has a temper and loves her blueberries. 


Animal:artic fox. 

To activate power:snow blast. 

Kwami of playfulness. 

Weapon:nunchucks that look like tug toys. 

Transformation words:lumi,snow day. 

De-transformation words:snows melted. 

Holder:me of course. 

Miraculous box it's in:British box it's in the British box because there a

Is no box for the Artic. 

My hero name:frosty fox. 


Name: Grace

Miraculous: Hair clips (on both sides) 

Animal: Deer

Gender: Female

Kwami of shyness 

Weapon: slingshot 

Special power: olfactory senses (can smell any akumatized person miles away)

Name: Mavvis

Miraculous: Body Chain 

Animal: Bat like thingy

Gender: Mavvis has no absolute gender. 

Transformation Words: Mavvis, Let’s stir something up! 

Detransformation Words: Chaos Arranged 

Mavvis, Kwamii of Chaos.
(6 edits)

Name: Rivver

Miraculous: Cuff Bangles (With tear-drop shaped gems)

Animal: Otter

Gender: Female

Kwami of purity

Transformation phrase: Rivver, let's dive in!

De-Transformation phrase: Rivver, time to surface!

Weapon: dual whips

Special power: Continental Wave! (Summons a huge wave of water)

Current holder: Aiyana Zeki/Tidal Otter

(1 edit)

Before someone points it out, yes, I know the special power sounds like a pokemon move.

Name: waddle                                                                                                                                                        Miraculous: glasses                                                                                                                                           Animal: none                                                                                                                                                               Gender: male                                                                                                                                                              Kwami of cute                                                                                                                                                        Transformation phrase: ninja on                                                                                                 Detransformation phrase : ninja in                               

miracle box japonese ;

Japanese Miracle Box 

guardians ; norman chini/ emanuel soria

miracle box : korean 

guardians ; chini morno/ elias mormom, miracle box european, guardians ; ???

(1 edit)

my kwami saltini

miraculous : bracelet. animal ; grasshopper ; portador ; emanuel soria ; Name and kwami ; saltini, transfomation ;  Saltini, make me shine! ; destransformation ; Stop shining , ; gender ; male,  weapon ; Katana, Power ; control mental. Power of control transformation,  Saltini make me shine!, power ; control mental.

This is Bumble

(2 edits)

Name: Bumble

Miraculous: Hairclip

Kwami of energy

Animal: unknown

Gender: female

Transformation phrase: Bumble, lets get bubbles!

 Detransformation phrase : Pop the bubbles. 

Weapon: bow

Power u can use once in one transformation: Make bubbles that can make others power stronger

(1 edit)

Subscribe to Sharky Shark if you like the game toca life world

(1 edit)

He is my before preteen, before teenage crush help him get 100000000000000000000000000000000000 subscribers or more subscribers

(1 edit)

Name obsidian

Kwami of laugh

Animal black and brown cat

Miraculous collar

Gender male

Transformation phrase obsidian let's chase

Detransformation phrase let's rest

Weapon sword


 name : Plushh

the kwami of : fortification

power : hand of strength


transformation : Plushh maximum power!

de-transformation : Plushh minimum power

miraculous : brown pearl necklace

weapon : hoop

personality : sensitive and emotional

nome: Awe

poder: dest
ruição e criação

milagroso: piercing na orelha quando desativado preto quando ativado vermelho

gênero:  feminino

transformar:  Awe crie e destrua

des-transformar: Awe liberar




Ugly kawmi

Ikr what type of kwami is this





(2 edits)

Name: Timey

Kwami: Kwami of time

Animal: not animal

Transformation phase: timey, time

De-transformation phase : time, back

Weapon :  yoyo with clock picture

Holder: Johnny

Miraculous: Bracelet

Kwami: Kwimi de la Luz

género femenino

Animal u objeto: Luz

Nombre: Adie

Fase de transformación: Adie, a la Luz

Fase de Des-Transformación: Adie, Fuera Luz

Poder: Ser, Hacer y Ver la Luz

Miraculous: Una manga de color blanca con negro

Arma: Palo negro con una bola blanca en la punta.

Portador Izin Weiadi

Kwami: Kwami of Happiness


Animal: Unicorn

Name: Luna

Transformation Phase: Luna,Let loose

De-Transformation phase: Luna, Return

Power: Distract Enemy's With the illusions of A Diseased Loved one

Miraculous: Choker

Weapon: Stick That Looks Like A Unicorns Horn

Holder:  Mabel Damiana

(2 edits)

Lorax Kwami Of Life and Death
Name: Lorax
Kwami Of Motion
Transformation Phase: Lorax, Life Or Death!
De-transformation Phase: Lorax, Death Is Served!
Miraculous: Necklace/ Bracelet
Power: It's able to serve Life or Death to the Deserving or Undeserving.
Animal: ???
Gender: Male
Weapon: Nil
Holder: Dheemath and Gimmie

I hate the lorax

(1 edit) (+1)

Name:  Necttar

Kwami of: Falsehood

Gender:  Male

Miraculous : 2 Asian giant hornet hairpins

Animal : Asian Giant Hornet

Transformation: time to invade

De-Transform : back off

Power: infection (When you speak the magic word infection, the power will activate, this can be used to create minions and spread a world of lies and chaos, for example, if I use the infection on someone, I can make them attack anything. For example, if I tell someone, the person I told will automatically tell someone else and also tell someone else, it is impossible to break free from this hypnosis that can be passed with just one word, the only way to break free is if the bearer of the Asian Giant hornet miraculous, untransforms or closes the connection with the infected.)

(In an erased reality, this power managed to trap all Parisians in a lie, in just 1 minute Ladybug was defeated without even knowing what happened, infected ladybug called Chat Noir to go to the Eiffel Tower and unfortunately he was infected by her, and the order the Giant Asiatic Wasp Bearer spoke was "Infect Ladybug, Chat Noir, meet me at the Eiffel Tower.")

Weapon: Nunchaku

Holder: Alex / Gabriel Agreste (erased reality)

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