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Kwami Name: Bommo
Kwami: Panda

Transform: Bommo, let's Hunt!

De-Transform: Let's Rest

Power: Can slice anyting by using a green sword (slicer!), teleport(teleportix!), invisibility(invisi!)

Special: magic charm and de evilized (bc in my story, there is no ladybug lol)

Weapon: Yoyo, Sword

Miraculous: pendant necklace (camouflaged grey, charged Black w/ panda pic)

Owner: Hazel (mee)

Fav food: macaroons (or something else)

Gender: female

Pronounce: She/her (ofc)

Hero name: Pandax

Done uwu

kwami: cow name: maii fav food: macaroons miraculous: necklace


(4 edits)

Kwami: Alpha Wolf

Kwami's Name: Alfa

Transformation: Alfa, Let's Howl!

De-Transformation: Alfa, Stop Howling.

Gender: Female

Favourite food: Fried chicken

Miraculous: Panjas Bracelet

Powers: Alpha Howl, Flight, Levitation, Power Scratch, Dreadful Tune of Hatredness

Owner: Lala Agreste (That's me!)

Hero Name: Alpha Wolfi

Villain name: Alpha Howli

Weapon: Microphone (also called as a mic)

There's more of Alfa looks! Check it out!

Antarctic Alfa

Transformation: Antarctic Alfa, Let's howl!

De-transformation: Antarctic Alfa: Stop howling.

Undersea Alfa

Transformation: Undersea Alfa, Let's howl!

De-transformation: Undersea Alfa, Stop howling.


nome: Lena 

animal: formiga

Frase de tranformação: Lena, Hora de formigar

Frase de destranformação: Lena, cair antenas

poder:  Ficar minúscula, e pode picar as pessoas com seu instrumento de trabalho 

miraculous: bracelete 

miraculous antes de tranformação: bracelete branco

miraculous com a transformação: bracelete marrom com vermelho

gênero: feminina

nome da heroína: Antmary

instrumento (como o iô iÔ da ladybug)/ arma: Um espinho que se estica como espada, ou bastão.

frase do porder: Formigar!

come: Frutas pequenas e nozes

personalidade: fria, meio debochada, mas fofa, e meiga com qm gosta. Animada e um pouco vingativa.




Poder:Ecolocalização(super voz)

Frase de transformação:Isra ativar modo noturno

Frase de destransformação:Isra modo diurno 


Miraculous:brincos de asa de morcego

Nome do herói:Sonorousbat

Come:Doces de frutas com necta

Frase do poder:Ecolbat


Personalidade:Calma,as vezes meio sombrio e às vezes animada(Bipolar),reservada,chique(às vezes) 

Miraculous antes da tranformação:branco

Depois da transformação:Um dye preto e roxo

Nome do herói akumatizado: batlight 

Se um vilão usar o nome dele será:Shinywings

Frase de transformação se algum vilão pegar:Isra modo vilão ativa

Frase de destransformação se o vilão pegar:Isra modo vilão descansar

Name: Yume (Means Dream in Japanese)

Animal: Pegasus

Power: Flying, Making Things of your Imagination Reality (Only for 5 for 10 minutes) Time Controlling (But she doesn't use it too much), etc.

Gender: Genderless 

Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Owner: Liz (me)

Miracle: Ring (Blue with a Pink Gem when normal, Cotton Candy-Colored And A Rainbow Gem with a Pegasus Inside when Transformed)

Transform: Yume, Time To Dream!

Des-Transform: Yume, Dream time is over.

Weapon: A Magic Girl Wand (It has a Clear Gem that Changes colors When Using an Ability, Pink for Flying, Green For time controlling, Blue For Mirror Clones, Rainbow for her special ability, etc)

Special Ability: Rainbows OF Dreams!: Makes Rainbows, And Her Owner can Control them and make A thing with that Rainbow by saying: Now, I Command That this Rainbow Transforms into a (Insert the Thing Here), Please!

Hero name: DreamWings

Villain Name: Nightmare Pegasus

Fav food: Cotton Candy or Something That is sweet


Kwami name: Dora


Kwami Type: Dragon

Power: Electric

Owner: Laura

Miracle: Green Ring


Recycle:Dora, destroy the electricity!


Kwami adı: Dora


Kwami Türü: Ejderha

Güç: Elektrik

Sahibi: Laura

Mucize: Yeşil Yüzük

Dönüştür: Dora, Elektrik!

Geri dönüştür:Dora, elektriği yok et!


Kwami: Lobo 

Nombre: Luna

Género: Femenino

Comida: Chocolate

Transformación: ¡Luna,hora de aullar!

Des-transformación: ¡Luna,la hora de aullar se acabo!

Poder: Poder invocar a los portadores del pasado más poderosos (solo los que portaron el kwami del lobo)

Arma: Gancho con cadenas y puas

Amuleto antes de transformase: Collar con puas

Amuleto durante la transformación: Collar con las etapas de la luna

Nombre de héroe: Wulfilde  (la que lucha con los lobos)

Mine does not want to work

Animal: Kitsune

Food: Gummies

Name: Japia

Gender: Female

Transform Words: Japia, tails up!

De-Transform Words: Japia, tails down.

Power: Intelligence

(3 edits)

Syte is the Owl Kwami, which grants the power of vision.

Gender: Female

Food: Chocolate

Owner: Nathaniel

Transform Phrase: Syte, full moon!

Detransformation phrase: Syte, solar eclipse.

Superhero Name: Hooter

Power Activation Phrase: Night Vision! 

Power Definition: If some people in Paris are blind, the power can be used to bring back their vision using glasses. Once Ladybug uses her Miraculous Ladybug, the glasses will disappear but the blind people will still have vision.

Ladybug’s Line: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, here is the miraculous of the owl, which grants the power of vision. Once you are finished saving the day, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

Nathaniel’s Line: Of course, Ladybug!

Syte’s Line: Greetings. My name is Syte. And I will be your kwami. All you have to do to transform is say “Syte, eyes of night!”

Miraculous Type: Ring

Tool: Stick

Main Color: Taupe

How the Miraculous Works: The Owl’s beaks are levers. So, if Hooter pulls the right one up, he will use his power, which is vision. If he pulls the left one up, it gives him his stick. He can use his stick as a shield just like Cat Noir.

Name: Lia

Power: Animal related

Transformation words: Lia, Pounce on!

Detransformation words: Lia, Time to rest.

Mircalous: Ring

Food: Popsicles


Kwami:Ateşle ilgili


Dönüşüm Sözcükleri:Miyhlea,ateşi yak.

De-dönüşüm sözcükleri:Miyhlea,ateşi söndür.

Kahraman adı:Ateş Tanrıçası

Mücizevi:Gümüş Kolye

name: spot

animal: half-hyena half-dingo

kwami: wildlife

transformation words: spot, animal power!

de-transformation words: spot, go rest

miraculous: dingo and hyena bracelet

camouflaged miraculous: brown bracelet

powers: animal transform! (transforming into any animal).   transportation! (transporting ._.)

weapon: whip

Name: Memory

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Owner: Ezra MinderLo/Perish Flexivel 

Miraculous: Keychain

Power:  Flexible, Good Aim, Climbing, Strength, Teleportation

Transform: Memory, Perfect shot!

De-Transform: Memory, Collect your arrows!

Name: Pinky

Kwami: Creation

Gender: Female

Transformation words: Pinky, dots on!

De-transformation words: Pinky, dots off!

Hero name: Pinkadot

Miraculous: Pearl necklace

Weapon: Pinka magnet (magent that can control anything or anyone)

Favourite food: Cookies

Hero abilities:

- Pinka charm! (like Ladybug's lucky charm)

- Can control anything! (using the pinka magnet)

^Pinky the kwami of creation^

This is Pinkadot :)

(shes holding the pinka magnet in her hand)

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What was the point of putting the de-trans if its just a copy but one word off?

your so stupid literally 😑

(1 edit)

Name: Matcha (macha)

Kwami: Time related

Gender: Male

Transformation words: Matcha, start ticking

De-transformation words: Matcha, stop ticking

Hero name: Timeshadow

Miraculous: Ring

Weapon: Time sword

Favourite food: Milk chocolate

Hero abilities: 

- Freeze time

- Unfreeze time

- Fast forward time

- Reverse time

- Time portal (can create a black hole and travel to another place through it!)

- Glow light (sword has a light for dark places)

^Matcha the kwami of time^

I drew Timeshadow :)

(shes holding her timesword in her hand)

(Sorry the angle of the pic is not supposed to be like this)

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What was the point of putting the de-trans if its just a copy but one word off?


Kwami: Kwami da Lua

nome Kwami: Moony/Moonywee

Palavras de transformação: Moony, Lua crescente

Palavras de transformação: Moony, Lua nova

Milagroso: Broche de Lua

Potência: Controlar a gravidade / Cegar os inimigos com a luz própria.

Gênero: Feminino

Arma: As próprias mãos.

Comida favorita: Bolinho de Lua

Kwami: Koala

Kwami Name: Leaf

Transformation words: Leaf,Climb my trees

De transformation words: Leaf, climb down  

Miraculous: Necklace 

Power: Climbing really high


transformação : lisa hora do show!

des transformação: lisa o show acabou

animal: raposa

Miraculous: pulseira

genero: feminino

arma: ioio

comida preferida: cereja

poder: magia 

dona: cookie (eu)

vilã: kuram

acaba nasıl yapılan kwami paylaşılıyor biliyormuusunnn?

nau deu para mandar kkkkkkk

eu fiz como o plagg e tikki tiveram um filho ai né kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Nome do kwami: Flocca

Kwami: Gato

Genero: Feminina

Milagroso: Cadeia de Cintura

Comida preferida: Peixe

Arma: Espada (não afiada)

Poder: O portador pensa em um felino e fala a palavra "Felixo" e vira esse Felino.

Palavras pra transformações: "Flocca entrar em cena"

Palavras des-transformação: "Flocca sair de cena"

O Portador: Chris Lahiffe (o irmão mais novo de Nino)

Vilão: Taguedor do tempo ou Chris Master

(N consigo coloca a foto do meu kwami)

Nome do meu kwami:Nutella



Miraculous: Colar

Miraculous antes da transformar fica;Preta de branca

Miraculous depois da transformar fica:Com uma pata marrom escura e no fundo marrom claro

Comida preferida:Pão de queijo


Poder:Chicote(Se de uma chicotada num vilão ele é arremeçado pra longe e pra ativa é so fala:Arremeçar!),(O poder do super pulo:Pra pula alto pra ativa é so fala super pulo!)

Palavras pra transformação:Nutella, Pulo Alto!

Palavras pra Des-transformação:Nutella,Pulo baixo

Nome da portadora q sou eu : Cacau

Se eu vira vilã eu vou ser a :BlackCacau


essa não é a maneira correta de se escrever 'Massa' (se é isso que você estava tentando dizer-)

Como mudo a cor do kwami? Eu não sei como fazer isso...

Another Cat Kwami! (Fredricka’s Sister)


Favorite Food:Hotdogs


Transformation Words:Holly, Power Up!

De-Transformation Word:Holly, Rest!



Special Power:Scratching The Enemy And The Scratch Turns Black, Making The Akuma Weaker And Weaker Till It Flys Away

Special Power Words:Claws Out!

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Isnt that just Plagg with diff markings

Fredricka The Cat Kwami! (Based Off Of My Real Life Cat)


Favorite Food:Chicken


Transformation Words:Fredricka, Pouce At It!

De-Transformation Words:Fredricka, Come Back!


Weapon:Cat Staff (Technically It’s A Stick That You Put The Cat Toy On-)

Special Power:Staff Attack (Putting On A Spikey Cat Toy And Hitting The Enemy, The Enemy Becomes Weak With The Akuma And The Akuma Releases)

Power Words:Staff Attack!

(2 edits)

Foxy is the Fennec Fox Kwami



Transformation words:Foxy, Pounce High!

De-Transformation words:Foxy, Go Low!

Miraculous:Circle Glasses

Special Power:Pounce On The Enemy Making The Akuma Fly Away Normal

Power Words:Pounce!

An Edit:I’ll be making more heheh


Harwool the dog

Harwool is the dog Kwami, 

Food: sausage

Gender: female 

Transformation words: Harwool Howl!

De transformation words: Harwool Hush!

Miraculous before transforming half moon necklace,

Miraculous after transforming full moon necklace.

Special power: bark and everyone freezes  for 10 seconds in the ringing silence

To use powers: bark!


Blade the Hedgehog

Blade is the hedgehog Kwami, 

Food: berries

Gender: female

Transformation words: Blade, Spikes out!

De transformation words: Blade, Spikes down!

Miraculous: spiked badge

Special power: spikes get ready on back and can roll into a ball (the spikes are like a shield) 

To use powers: spikes up!

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What was the point of putting the de-trans if its just a copy but one word off?

(1 edit)

Nome - vaca

Genero - masculino

Kwami- vaca

poder- chifrada

Comida favorita - grama

joia antes da tranformação-toda branca

joia depois da trasformação -preta e branca

Name: Mixmy

Gender: Female

Kwami: Horse

Miraculous: Anklet

Transform Phrase: Mixmy, Hooves Up!

De-Transform Phrase: Mixmy, Hooves Set

Power: Earth

Weapon: Whip

Favorite Food: Fruit

Hero Name: Canter

Name: Makato

Kwami: Kitsune

Miraculous: Kitsune Necklace

Transformation: Makato, Let's Spin!

De-Transform: Makato, Spin-Off

Weapon: Staff 

Special Power: Can Throw by Spinning his Tale

Power Name: Tail Spin! 

Favourite Food: Cracker

Gender: Male

Owner Hero's Name: Kitsune

(1 edit) (-2)

BlackyName: Blacky

Kwami: Black Cat

Miraculous: Ring

Transform words: Blacky, meow on!

De-transform words: Blacky, meow off!

Gender: male

(Inspired by Plagg)

(1 edit)

Name: Flappy

Kwami: Butterfly 🦋 

Miraculous: Necklace

Transform Words: Flappy, Fly high

De-Transform Words: Flappy, Let's Land


It look a lot like nooroo


What’s Flappy’s Gender?

Other than that Flappy looks adorable!

Your username is right

Nombre: Minx

Género: Femenino

Especie: Zorro siberiano

Poder: Inmovilizar las cosas, alterar el clima. Poder Especial: Invisibilidad

Miraculous: Brazalete 

Comida favorita: Galletas y arándanos

Palabras de transformación: Minx a mi

Palabras de destransformación: Minx fuera

Arma: Látigo y escudo


-inmovilizar las cosas con solo tocarlas

-alterar el clima a beneficio de pelea 

- poder especial es la invisibilidad 

-detectar peligro a larga distancia

-buen olfato

name- Stormy

power of- weather

translation word- stormy, control the weather

de-translation- stormy, calm the weather


super power word- make a storm

weapon- a wand

it looks like nooroo and Trixx mixed with blue


transform words: nio wings out

de-transform words: nio wings down

miracules: braclet

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What was the point of putting the de-trans if its just a copy but one word off?

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