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Kwami Type: Swan 

Name: Ette

Transformation Phrase: Ette! Let's Dance!

Detransformation Phrase: Ette! Rest time!

Kwami Representation: Beauty

Power: Metamorphus! (Can transform in every person or every object, Can only transform in one person at time)

Hero: Cygnette

Weapon: Scythe

Miraculous: Hair Acessory

Tipo de kwami:panda 


Pode soltar vento pela a boca e tem myita força (e pode curar o ajudante e pode voar)

Palavra para ativação:Boby hora de salvar o Paris

PAlavra de desativação:Boby parar de salvar Paris 

Nome do herói:Sadie 

Milagroso:olhos de panda 


Palavras poderosas:hora da força 

Arma:hora de fofo e atacar 

Comida: biscoito 


Kwami type: Cat

Name: Sidney 

Power : Grants the power of  White magic (Casts spells to  create barriers to protect, heal and help)

Activation word Sidney, Get Busy 

Deactivation words Sidney lets tire

Hero's name Kayleigh 

Miraculous: Cat Eyes

Power up: Cat Barrier

Power up words: it's time to Meow

Weapon: Cat claws 

Food: Milk.

Animal Kwami: Pantera negra

Nome Kwami:Panter

Palavras de transformação:Panter Hora De Caçar

Palavras de destransformar:Descansar

Comida Kwami:Peixe



Palavras de ativação de energia:Destruir

Nome do heroi:Panter Noir

Objeto de batalhas:Bastão

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Kwami Type: Cow

Name: Lei (Pronounce as: Lay)

Power: Grants the power of invisibility 

Activation Words: Lei, lets get tricky

Deactivation Words: Lei, lets rest.

Hero's Name: Samrita

Miraculous: Ankle Necklace 

Power up: Silence

Power Up Words: Silence time

Weapon/Tool: Technology glasses 

Food: Milk


Kwami type: Snail

Name: Shelle

Power: Temporarily slows time (With the exception of the holder and whoever is touching them)

Activation words: Shelle, Let's roll!

Deactivation words: Time to rest!

Power up phrase: Let's linger!

Miraculous: Watch

Kwami food: Vegetables (preferably spinach/lettuce)

Weapon: Slingshot (Shoots small seeds/shells)

(1 edit)

Giving away kwami to the first person to reply!

Kwami name: Shoju

Power: Hypnotist

Villain Name: Dark Hypnotist

Hero name: Mastermind

Miraculous: Spike collar

Power activation word: Hypno

(You can make up the rest :D)



Kwami name: Pigwit

Transformation words:  Pigwit, mud bath.

Deactivation words: Pigwit, barn time.

Weapon: dagger

Powers:  Sunbeam

Food: carrots or potatoes

Power activation word: sunshine

Miraculous: necklace

kwami adı: maviş

kwami türü: yarasa inek  

dönüşüm kelimeleri: maviş, benekli kanat

De-dönüşüm kelimeleri: maviş, kanattaki benekler gitsin

kwamimin yemeği : patates

mucize: saç bandı

silahı:nija yıldızları

kahraman adı: mavi  yarainek

gücü: ses dalgasıyla kötüleri ineğe çevirmek

credits: methis is what i drew a few months ago

kwami name: sunny 

transformation words: sunny bring the sunshine

de-transformation words: sunny sunset time 

what i created

Animal Kwami: Urso

Nome Kwami: Rokeroo

Palavras de transformação: Rokeroo esmagar

Palavras de De-Transformação: acalmar

Comida Kwami: Mel

Milagroso: Broche de Urso

Poder: força

Palavras de ativação de energia: Destruir

Animal Kwami: tubarão

Nome Kwami: Lyly

Palavras de transformação: Lyly, acalme as Águas

Palavras de De-Transformação: Descansar

Comida Kwami: Peixes

Milagroso: Colar de escamas de peixe

Poder: Controlar as águas

Palavras de ativação de energia: Acalmar  Águas

Kwami Animal: Frog

Kwami Name: Dayy

Transformation Words: Dayy, jump high

De-Transformation Words: Dayy, land low

Kwami Food: Chips, Fries, or anything potato

Miraculous: Orbital earring (1), and long

Weapon: Lily pad shield

Power: Can control someone (control their body to do what they command)

Power Activation Words: Anuration

(1 edit)

Kwami Name:Sniper

Kwami Type:Cat

Kwami Transformation Words: Sniper, Shoot The Snow!

Kwami De-Transformation Words: Sniper, Stop The Snow

Kwami's Food:Cupcakes, and milk



Power Words: Sniper,  Snow time

What snow time does it starts snowing on the villain and the villain get covered with snow

Superhero Name:Snowy

Super-Villain Name: Stormy

 transform words neo let's fly

                                                                                              detransform neo let's land

                                                                                                hero name dark bat

                                                                                               element darkness

                                                                                                miraculous watch

so cute

Kwami Name: Elvii

Kwami Type: Whale

Kwami Transformation Words: Elvii, Rise The Water!

Kwami De-Transformation Words: Elvii, Lower The Water!

Kwami's Food: Sea Salt With Sea Weed

Miraculous: Glasses

Weapon: Bat

Power Words: Water Tornado! Or: Tsunami Time!

What Water Tornado Does: Creates A Water Tornado That Makes The Villian Dizzy And Easy To Fight

What Tsunami Time Does: Makes It Rain And It Distracts The Villian So They Could Defeat It

Superhero Name: Liquidy

Super-Villian Name: Tsunami Freak

Miraculous/Kwami Holder: (!Random Character Not A Real One!) Mellissa Laurence

Hope You Enjoyed My Kwami Idea!

(5 edits)

My Kwami:

Kwami Name: Angel

Transformation: Angel, fly up! Detransformation: Angel, land

Hero name: Angel Heaven

Villain name: Dark Angel

Power: Control 

Item: Harp

Miraculous: Choker

Kwami Food: Cotton Candy (because it looks like clouds)

Is the most powerful miraculous

Owner: Sophia Rossi

She is the sister of Lila Rossi. Unlike her, Sophia's really SUPER nice. She's also pretty. Can handle Lila.

Picture of owner:

no the plagg and tiki is btw urs stinks


How does Kwami look like:

Kwami name: Geckilion

Kwami animal: Gecko

How to transform: Geckilion,gecko(wait 2 seconds)ecko.

How to detransform: Geckilion,I am so green.(make sure you don't say "I am so green" while you are transformed cause you don't want to show your identity)

Hero name: Geritaon

Thing you use to fight:  A tail(you do have a tail in your hero,but you always have an extra one.)

How to activate the power: Ghost me!

Power: You can be invisible from 1-2:30sec minutes.

Disactivate power:I don't want to be a ghost.

Item: Shoe

Food: Anything that's color green.

Information about Geckilion:

Geckilion is a kwami which will give you the ability to be invisible and it can only be used once.This kwami is allergic in food which isn't green, so give him green food and take care of the kwami.

Kwami owner name: Charli D'amelio


Why Charli D'amelio?

I chose Charli D'amelio because it's close to a gecko...why?Cause cameleon and gecko are a family,and Charli is a celebrity.

Charli D'amelio



Name: Nerro

Hero Name: tempest 

Animal: coyote 

Villain Name: Mrs/Mr coyote   

 Power: sense boost and transformation of power (can use any powr that comes to mind)      

transformation words: nerro bost my senses!

detransformation words: nerro hidemy senses! 

miraculous: headband

hero image:

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Güç veren yemeği:Ahududu

Dönüşüm ifadesi: Amaris Ferahla

Kwaminin sahibi: juleka couffaine

Güç:Yüksek Hız,Uçabilme,İstediği kişinin sesine sahip olma 

Yan dönüşüm ifadesi:Siyahla beyazın kardeşliği!

juleka kaplan mucizesini alck ama


Animal: Lobo

Nombre: Spike

Poder: Verdad

Nombre de Heroe: Lobo lunar

Nombre de villano : Gato Blanco

Milagroso: Collar de lobo

Encendido: Hace que le villano diga la verdad

Arma Heroica: Lanza

Arma del Villano: Espada

Transformación: Spike hora de la verdad

De- transformación: Spike hora de descansar

Comida del Kwami: cookies


Name: Dimonnd

Animal: Dove 

Power: angelic whisper(can go into the mind and find out where the Akuma/amokatised object is .)(can use 2times)

Miraculous: Dove necklace

hero name: LadyDove

villain name: dark dove 

transformation words: Dimonnd spread my wings  

detransformation words: Dimonnd fall my wings 

Food eats: mango 

weapon: iron spear


Animal Kwami: Tigre albino

Nome Kwami: Trox

Dona do Kwami: Beting

Nome da heróina: Trax lady

Nome da vilã: Ladylon 

Milagroso: Broche de tigre

Power up: Rugindo de tigre, deixa o akumatizado tonto e desorientado para que podemos lugar contra ele.

Arma heroica: Espada 

Arma da vilã: Espada da escuridão 

Transformação: Trox, deixe-me rugir

Destransformação: Trox, de volta a gaiola

Comida Kwami: Carne fresca 

(2 edits)

Name: Darkness

Transform words: "Darkness" rise!

De-Transform words: "Darkness" set!

Hero name: Dark Shadow

Villain name: Bat Moth or Dark Moth

Power: Transformation of Good or Bad

Miraculous: Brooch

Hero Weapon: Shadowclysm

Villain Weapon: Dark Cane Of Evil Transformation

Its from a Miracle Box named: Ender Space Miraculous Miracle Box

Found in: Pacific Ocean as a ore then was light purple with a glowing black light.

Owner: Adrien Agreste'e

Ender Space Miraculous Miracle Box Guardian: Marionette Femia (New)

Ender Space Miraculous Miracle Box Guardian: Atlas Godly (Old)


Transformation logo: 

Seen in Miraculous: Tales of Owlet and Wolfy (Every Season 1,2,3,4 & 5)

(1 edit) (+2)

Kwami animal: dog

Kwami name: mia

Power up: invisibility

Weapon:a ball that laucher laser

Transformation: mia , hora de luchar!

De-transformation: mia , to rest

Kwami food: cookie dog


this is a spider kwami feel free to use your imagination to create the kwamis power and personality

(1 edit) (-1)

Did you copy off of me? I did spider. :(

(1 edit)



name: batty



detransform:day light


power: flight

miraculous: anklet

Name: Pinky
Transformation: Pinky, Pound in!
In-Transformation: Pinky, Pound Off!
power: when transforming have power to let people do anything the transformer wants.
transformer: Joe Haddad
hope u like it !

Kwami animal: tiger

Kwami name: strripes 

Miraculous: acrylic nail

Power up: extra strips (extra life) 

Weapon: claw things on yr hands (I forget the name LOL) 

Transformation: strripes, let her roar

De-transformation: strripes, tune it down 

Kwami food: nuts (preferably pistachio)

this is so random, but wth

I’m also working on a pic!


Panda Kwami

Name: Bei

Food: Bamboo

Transformation Phrase: Bei, Wings Out

De-transformation Phrase: Bai, Wings In!

Miraculous: Cuff Ring

Ability: Adaptation Manipulation, Balance Embodiment, Clarity Manipulation, Chi Manipulation, Connection Manipulation, Cultivation Intuition, Determination Embodiment, Difference Manipulation, Diplomacy Intuition, Exploration Embodiment, Gentle Strength, Gratitude Embodiment, Infertility Manipulation, Inner Sight, Nomad Manipulation

(3 edits) (+1)

Kwami Name: Luna

The food she eats: Blueberries(or any kind of berry blackberry, Strawberry etc.)

Kwami Type: Winter Wolf (leader of the Arctic Wolves)(A Vizier for Plagg and tikki)

Transformation Words: Luna, Time to Howl!

De-Transformation Words: Luna, Time to Chill!

Miraculous: A soft and furry headband

Weapon: A strong Bow and Arrow created using ice

Power Up: Crystallize!!

Power Up info: Gives me the ability to decrease an evilized villain's power by touching his/her forehead.  Before- 100%   After touching forehead- 80%

The Miraculous holder: Alaska Dwayne 

Her Partner: A fox Miraculous holder. Citizen name: Chris Johnson

Setting: Malaysia

Villain: Peteena, the Falcon Miraculous holder, creates Amoks like mayura to evilize people.

Bye will be creating a new kwami next week Thank you.

By Miracle Lady



Kwami Name: Iris

The food she eats: Any fruit (Prefers purple grapes)

Kwami Type: Butterfly (Specificly a Purple Emperor)

Transformation Words: Iris Butter up!

Detransformation Words: Iris, Stand down!

Miraculous: Purple Butterfly Enamal Pin

Weapon: Windy Whip

Power-up: Flutter Tornado

What the power up does: It makes the opponent dizzy and disoriented so that ladybug and cat noir can fight them.

(1 edit) (+1)

kwami name:mini


kwami type:mouse

transformation words:mini out the whole

DE-transformation:back to  the whole

miracolus:haif heart neacklace

wepon: mouse trap

power up words: lets shine

(3 edits) (-1)

Kwami Name: Pluto

Food she eats: Bananas 

Kwami type: half butterfly half demon

Transformation words: Pluto, time to shine

De-transformation words: Pluto, back to the darkness

miraculous: hairclip with a flower counting down the minutes until DE- transformation

weapon: laser staff can zap from any direction

power up words: stars arise  

owner of kwami: Rose Lavillant


kwami name: scrap

food he eats: black berries

kwami type: cat

Transformation phrase: scrap lets build

DE Transformation phrase: scrap lets destroy

miraculous: a metal necalice with a screw on it

weapon: two sheilds like carapace's

Power up: monster scrap

The person who holds the miraculous: myself

what my kwami looks like

Kwami name: Flutter

Food she eats: Honey Suckle

Kwami type: Butterfly

Transformation phrase: Flutter, to the skys

DE Transformation phrase: Flutter, time to land

miraculous: Necklace with butterfly pendant

weapon: Pollen gun. Can make you sneeze until you drop

Power up: Flower bombs

The person who holds the miraculous: Clara Barre


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kwami name: Stripe

food she eats: berries

Kwami type: skunk

Transformation phrase: Stripe, Stink on!

DE Tranformation phrase: Stripe, shower time

miraculous: bracelet with a cute skunk face pendant

weapon: spray gun. Stink is so bad, it can sting the enemys eyes

Power up: A huge stink grenade!!!!!!

The person who holds the kwami and miraculous: Claire Arquette

what the kwami looks like: 

(1 edit)

Kwami name:  Houndd

Food: meat

Kwami type: White Wolf

Transformation words: Houndd, Time to Hunt!

DE transformation words: Houndd, time for sleep!

Miraculous item: A white bow, with a wolf face pendant in the center of the bow

Weapon: Claw boomerange! Can cut through something/someone or paralyze them for a while

Power up:  Super Speed!! (is able to travel long distances and run  super fast)

The girl who beholds the kwami and miraculous: Eleanor Clément

What the kwami looks like:

Kwami Name : Alecc 

Food: any meat

 Lion Kwami 

Transformation Phrase : Alecc, Pride Time!

DE transformation Phrase: Night Fall

Miraculous : Gold Encrusted Belt

weapon: Double sided kunai's

Power: Prey! , Gives night vision speed and ravage claws

(1 edit)

name doth
transformation words spots on
food apple
animal dog
weapon deadly stick
Miraculous dog collar

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