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Species: Caracal (lynx with a longer tail)

Name: Omaar

Phrase: Omaar lets play!

Personality: Playful and lazy...

Fav food: Bread! 

Powers: Jump high

Power Phrase:  Pounce!


Name: Bernie

Animal: Blobfish


Powers: Turns villans into a jello-like substance

Superhero name: Nightmare of the Blob

Activation words: Bernie jello me up/ Bernie unslick

Owner: Andre the Ice Cream man

Miraculous: Belt

Weapon: Bottle of hair gel

Super: floods entire universe with gel in 30 minutes


bernie the blob

Name: Bubble

Animal: elephant

powers: turns gigantic, shoots out water

Miraculous: Necklace

Superhero Name: Quadalupa

Activation words: Bubble let's bounce

Food: vegies

Owner name: Lila


İsim: Gui

Sahibinin adı: Puff

Türler: mor ejderha

Tarihi: Gecenin öfkesi olarak bilinir. Kendisi alfadır ve tüm kwamilerin başıdır. En güçlü kwamidir. 26 yıl boyunca ve sahibi tüm dünyaya hükmetmiştir şimdi yeni sahibiyle birlikte hükmedecektir.

kişiliği: şakacı, heyecanlı, özgüvenli, hırslı ve kazanmayı çok seven bir kişidir plagg 

ile iyi dosttur.

Yemek: Balık

Dönüşüm: Gui, savaş başlaşın.

geri gönüşüm: Gui, mola zamanı.

Yetenek: alev atmak, uçmak, ateşeten etkilenmemek 

Özel Yetenek: Görünmezlik 

Güç: 10/10 Dayanıklılık: 8,2/10 Hız 8,5/10 

-normalde gücünün %86sını kullanır hava kararınca %100 ünü kullanır

silah: zehir atabilen mor ateşten yapılmış kılıç.

mucize:Ay Taşlı 925 Ayar Otantik Gümüş Bayan Yüzük

 Kwami name: Faang

Owner name: Leena

Species: Wolf

Food: Steak, meat

Powers: Night vision/ can turn to any kind of wolf

Weapon: Like Rena ruge 

Words to activate special power: Faang lead the pack 

Words to de-transform: Faang lone wolf


(1 edit)

Kwami name:Silvy
food:Beaf steak
power:Make weapons with lightning for example shield,sword,stick
Mega power:Shock someone with lightning and they can't move for 5 minute
Word For Mega Power:Shocking!
Word For Transforming:Silvy  Ligtning on weather
Word For de-Transforming:Silvy Sun on weather
Weapon:everything because power make weapons
Super Hero Name:Lightning Dragon


so much fun my guy


kwami's name: lilo

species: wolf

food: donut

transformation words: lilo fly out

de-transformation words: lilo fly in

power: freeze time (5 mins)

power words: freeze breeze

superhero name: wolf reeze

weapon: bow and arrow

miraculous: bracelet

bye :)


This game is so fun I love it


This game is Amazing

(2 edits) (+1)

Kwami name: Camie

Owner name: Bronywyn

Species: Chameleon

Food: leaf shaped crackers

Powers: Climbing things, Invisibility 

Weapon: sticky yoyo (lol)

Words to activate special power: INVISIBILITY  (2 mins)

Words to Transform: Camie Camouflage

Words to de-transform: De-Camouflage

Miraculous: Necklace

Hero name: Camouflager

Hey je n arrive pas à créer un kwami si quelqu’un veut bien m aider se serait super simpa merci d avance 🕳👩🏻‍🦯


This game currently doesn't work on mobile, it's best played on a laptop or desktop.

Okay, thank you


Kwami name: Mukie

Species: Phoenix

Food: Tangerine or fries

Transformation words: Mukie, Fire up!

Detransformation words: Fire off!

Power words: Incendio!

Power: Fire manipulation

Owner: Jean 

Superhero name: Phoenix

Weapon: Transforming shield

Miraculous: necklace

THE FIRE Fantasy Glass Pendant Necklace Jewelry Jewellery | Etsy

kwami name:dummbo



power:carry heavy things

words to activate power:strongest!

words to transform:dumbmbo lets lift

words to de-transform:over lift

superhero name:ellip

owner:idk but maybe me or like Ivan cuz hes strong ykyk :3

uhm ye let me know what u think 

btw the miracolosu its a choker and there are like colours on them cuz yk every colour counts down ykyk?

(1 edit)

Name: skylar


Species: half wolf half demon:)

Transformation words: skylar lets howl

De-Transformation words:skylar lets sleep

Power words:lets fly and lets manipulate

Power: when i howl i can manipulate the villain and i can fly

Owner: penelope williams (me)

Superhero name:wolfie


Weapon katana

My miraculous looks like this:

(1 edit)

The story of how i became a superhero:

My name is penelope williams and i was born in america(brighton)

But my mom died at my birth and my father says it was my fault so he abused me but one time he said that he go to work he'd never came back then flew to paris to see my grandma after two weeks I was finally able to go to the Collège Françoise Dupont i found a friend her name was chloe bourgeois she was kind to me but not to the Others when i was on my way to home i found old man laying on the streets and he was asking for help no one helped him but i helped him then he gaved me a box i said ty and then i walked home at home i opened the box it opened and there was a bright and glittering black ball ig and then it turned out it was a animal or something it says im skylar and im a kwami i was a bit confused but then she said put the bracelet on and say skylar lets howl and then i transformed into a superhero ig i had a katana and then i saw a villian fighting with catnoir and ladybug (skylar explained to me what i have to say for my powers and what i have to do

I jumped to them i said hey im...uhm wolfie and im a super hero to pls let me help you too they was a bit

They were a bit incredulous but afterwards they said ok you can help i used my power and said lets manipulate the villian standed still and i headed for us and then i said give me your bracelet i know that there is the akuma the villain gaved me his bracelet and i gave it to ladybug she said thank ... you and then everything was normal as always I ran fast although cat noir called wait but i ignored him


and i wanted to say when i transform into superhero my bracelet turn black and white :]

(1 edit)

name: Vampp

specie: bat 

kwami of: rebirth, also is referred to as "the Guardian of the Night", since it is the only kwami from the Chinese box that has such a staggered daytime cycle 

personality: quite similar to Plagg's, as they are close to each other; it is friendly, goofy, likes playing jokes on others, is very lazy during the day, and only revives at night - that's when it is most eager to fight

food: most preferably licorice, but any sweet would do

transformation: Vampp, moonrise! 

detransformation: Vampp, the night is down!


-enables its owner to see in the dark through the night vision

-enables its owner to fly

-MAIN POWER: can jam the enemy for even up to 5 minutes through the emission of ultrasound (command: Vampp, ultrasound!) 

-its powers are most efficient when it's dark, especially in the moonlight

weapon: none

miraculous: bat signet



Kwami name: Puff

Species: squirrel

Food: acorn

Transformation words: Puff, let's crunch!

Detransformation words: Puff, let's rest!

Power words: Squirrel rush!

Power: faster run

Owner: Grace Kante (fictional sister of Max Kante)

Superhero name: Squirrel

Miraculous: necklace

Weapon: acorn nunchucks

Who wants it?  :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Kwami name: Bazoo

Species: axolotl

Food: lychee

Transformation words: Bazoo, let's go into the water!

Detransformation words: Bazoo, let's get out of the water!

Power words: Regeneration!

Power: ability to regenerate people

Owner: Leon Rossi (fictional brother of Lila Rossi)

Superhero name: Axel

Miraculous: belt

Weapon: transparent stick

This is my brother's miraculous.  :)

(1 edit)


 Kwami Type: Pokemon Crossover

Pokemon : Eevee 

Pokeon Type: Neutral

Evolution stages:

Vaporeon: Water Type LVL 15 - Water Stone

Jolteon:  Electric Type LVL 15 - Thunder Stone

Flareon: Fire Type LVL 15 - Fire Stone

Espeon - Dark Type - LVL ???

Umbreon - Physic Type - LVL ???



Transformation Words: Eevee I choose you

Detransformation Words: Eevee rest time 

Power Words: Eevee use (insert here) 


Vaporeon: Water Gun/ Hydro- Pump

Jolteon: Quick Attack/ Thunder Shock

Flareon: Overheat/Flamethrower

Espeon: Swift/ Psybeam 

Umbreon: Baby Doll Eyes/ Confuse Ray 


Superhero Name: Eevee

Miraculous: Pokeball bag


This is amazing! I loved watching Pokémon with my older brother. When I told my mom about Kwamis she said it sounds like Pokémon.

Tysm :>



By A C R 




transformation: Lix , gooddes meztli 

de-transformation:Lix , tlanesh 

power: freeze time and heal people

Power words:ayo!

Owner: Amari Waker 

Superhero name:Xochitl

Miraculous:ankle brace



Kwami name: Pau

Species: Fish ( Catfish? )

Food: Strawberry (Literally anything strawberry flavoured would do)

Transformation words: Pau, cast out!

Detransformation words: Pau, reel in!

Power words: Froth! (It's all I could think of; same for the power itself)

Power: The ability to form different assortments of bubbles ( Bouncy, sticky, indestructible, etc. )

Owner: Amari Waker (One of my ocs)

Superhero name: Espadon

Miraculous: Fishhook anklet/bracelet

Weapon: Kyoketsu-shoge/Rope dart (Honestly I'm not sure though)

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Kwami name: Tadd

Species: frog

Food: lettuce

Transformation words: Tadd, jump in!

Detransformation words: Tadd, jump out!

Power words: Froggy slime!

Power: shoot slime from the hand

Owner: John Bruel (fictional brother of Ivan Bruel)

Superhero name: Froggie

Miraculous: headband

Weapon: cudgel

This is my brother's friend's miraculous.  :)

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Kwami name: Hossi

Species: grizzly bear

Food: sardine

Transformation words: Hossi, get big!

Detransformation words: Hossi, get normal!

Power words: Bear!

Power: creation of the grizzly bear

Owner: Liem Bourgeios (fictional brother of Chloe Bourgeios)

Superhero name: Grizzly

Miraculous: necklace

Weapon: wooden stick

Who wants it?  :)

eu amei o jogooo!!!



name: linnie 

spiecies: lion

food: cookie

Transformation Words:Linne, go hunting !

Detransformation words:Linne, go back!

Power words: Time to hunt

power: super strength and have a foresight

weapon: claw shield

Miraculous: earings

I like this game, i aLwAyS wanned plagg to have a sister... now... i made his fictional sister myself :)


Does it take so long guys?



how can i make a kwami

Click on this game :)

(1 edit)

Kwami  Name: Cowy

Spiecies: Cow

Food: Grass

Transformation Words: Cowy, Lets Milk!

Detransformation words: Cowy, Stop Milking.

Miraculous: Necklace

Owner: Juleka Couffaine (lukas lil sister)

Superhero name: Clony


wow cute


you win a follow :D


Sooooo good!

Personally i believe mine is a little better and more elaborate but still good effort!

(9 edits)

Kwami Name: Mekii 

Species: Monarch Butterfly 

Kwami of: Rebirth, Change and Transformation. Monarch Butterflies represent spiritual guidance leading those to their highest potential. If you see a Monarch Butterfly it's a sign that you need to change something in your life. Like a catipilar that transforms into a beautiful Monarch Butterfly.

Appearance (since I can't make one) Meiki has two antennas on the top of her head and is chocolate brown color with big Hazel eyes and Monarch Butterfly Wings 

Food: Peaches 

Likes: She likes to brush Talia's Hair and she likes to hide or sleep in Talia's long hair. 

Transformation words: Mekii, Wings up!

Detransformation words: Mekii, Wings down!

Power words: Butterfly kisses! (To activate the butterflies in her butterfly pouch.) Butterfly Fly! (For her butterfly shaped boomerang)

Power: Flight (she has Butterfly wings) and She talk to her butterfly helpers. 

Owner: Talia Bourgeois (Fictional Sister of Chloé Bourgeois. BTW Talia looks like Chloé with blue eyes and long wavy blonde hair to her waist but is the opposite of how Chloé acts, she is 1 year younger and Chloé is often jealous of the male attention her sister gets and she teases her alot. Talia is often quite but she doesn't hold back  when standing up for her friends or a cause she believes in. She is a good Makeup Artist and helps with Disguises for her friends. She is smart and gets good grades in her school and she and Luka like each other. Though at times she can be hot headed she is graceful and sweet and moves around so effortless she seems to be floating and that's why she got the Monarch Butterfly. She is kind and compassionate and always sees the best in others and these are the reasons why Luka likes her)

Superhero name: Butterfly 

Miraculous: Black Bracelet with a Black butterfly symbol that becomes the orange colors of a Monarch Butterfly when Mekii inhabits it

Weapons: Butterfly Boomerang, Butterfly pouch with butterflies to help her (her butterflies look like the ones after they have been de-evilized. They help by flying around to gather information for her or to get things or help from others. They catch other people's attention with their bright white glowing light)

*Hope you like my Kwami and my Miraculous character. Please don't judge I have never watched the show cause I don't have disney+ and have only seen a few clips on YouTube. I hope to get the series on DVD soon.*


I really like it! :)

Thanks 😊

(7 edits) (+2)

Nombre: Leisa

Kwami: agua

Genero femenino

Palabras de transformación: Leisa, olas en tornado.

Palabras de des-transformación: Leisa, olas al revés

Milagrosa: collar de cabeza

Comida: palomitas de maíz 

Poderes: tiene poder permanente para controlar el agua y crear lo que quiera pero su poder normal es la invisibilidad

Palabras para activar el poder: agua cristalina

Arma: espadas azules

Caja milagrosa: de los 4 elementos

Propietario: Kira Agreste (hermana gemela de Felix)

Alias: Princesa Agua


Kwami name: Gary the great

Transformation words: GARY NECK LONG untransform: Gary neck short Miraculous: Glasses animal: giraffe
Kwami: Cachorro Dragão

Nome do Kwami: Snow

Transformação: Snow Gelo Congelante

Des-transformação: Snow Aquecimento

Nome do super-herói: King Snow

Arma: Espada de Gelo

Poder, Raio Congelante, Chama de Gelo

Potência: Velocidade

Miraculous: Cachecol

Nome do Segundo Poder: Flocos Congelante

miraclouses name-penelope miraclous- bee cat  TRANSOMATION WORD-PENELOPE FASHION ON-DETRANSOMATION PENELOPE FASHION OFF miraclous-lipstick-owner CLARA AGRESTE chloe and adrien agrestes child
(1 edit)

kwami name: Moomoo

Transformation Call: Moo Moo! Milk It! / Moomoo drain it

Transformed name: Heirfera 

Miraculous: Mini Cowbell

Miraculous Owner: Cherish Osaka

Owners Nationality: Parisian-Asian, Cherish was born and raised in Paris France but her family grew up in Asia.

Kwamis Favorite Food: Strawberries

Relation To Any character: Cherish is related to Kagami, but they were both raised a different way.

now you know a little about me and my kwami :D    BTW this is all fictional :^

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