Name:Linx Animal:Dog Miraculous:Necklace Transformation:Linx, lets rise the sky De-transformation:Linx,lets stop Ability:Can control the elements(fire,water,earth,wind and can catch the akuma) Weapon:Sword and yoyo Favorite Food:Popcorn Supehero Name : Lynxclix Gender:Girl Owner:Anna (My friend)
Caracteristicas: tímido, extrovertido as vezes, ama filmes e series, gosta de cores pretas e cianas, gosta de ler, de atenção, fica decutindo por comida é ama escutar musicas com vc.
Acessório: Pulseira De Dragão Bronze antigo
Roupa de transformação: preta com manchas brancas, uma calda ciano asas ciano, orelhas de elfo é um monoculo dourado(tipo um oculos so que e so para um olho)
Palavra de transformação: Nuxi me de asas
Palavra para de detransformação: Nuxi abaixe suas asas e descance
Poder: asas, velocidade, congelamento é tempo ( o tempo e o item "premium)
Arma: monoculo (vc pode ver tudo atraves de paredes e qualquer coisa usando esse item so nao consegue ver a identidade dos herois. /e um tipo de oculos mais so que redondo e para um olho\
Palavra de item premiun: Nuxi me de seu poder do tempo (quando falar isso vc pode escolher entre parar o tempo, voltar ou ate mesmo adiar mais cuidado quando para o tempo vc perde 2 tempos e so lhe resta 1 entao tem que ser rapido sa nao ira mostrar sua verdadeira forma)
Arma: Uma espada, que se você disser "Hora de Mirar", se transforma numa arma que atira Gelo, e para voltar ao normal, diga "Vamos lutar de perto".
Poder: Quando o herói fala "Hora de se molhar", ele ganha o poder de manipulação da água. Obs:ele pode transformar a água em gelo, e controlar o gelo, e fazer ao contrário, transformar o gelo em água.
Comida favorita: sorvete, ou qualquer coisa que seja doce.
Name: Drop Animal: frog Transformation: Drop let's jump! De- transformation: Drop let's sit! Jewelry: Necklace Fav food: Cookies Powers: VERY high jump Personality: Always happy and kind
Name: Molly Animal: Cow Transformation: Molly time to run! De- Transformation: Molly time to rest! Jewelry: Ring Favorite food: Donuts Power: Speedy fast, can eat anything Personality: Has some anger issues but sweet with her friends <3
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Name: Cow
Kwami: Cow
MoOos when transform
Superpower: Eating hay
Transformation: Cow, MoOoOO!
De-Transformation: Cow, MOoOooO no!
Favorite-Food: Hay and cow
Weapon: Hay sword
Miracoules: Small cow bell
Superhero-Name: Cow MoOOo
Gender: Cow
holder: Random cow
- Random Cow, MoOoOooO.
Name: Mei
Kwami: Scorpion
I get faster when i transform
Superpower: destroy
Transformation: Mei, tenson up!
De-Transformation: Mei, tenson down!
Favorite-Food: chocolate
Weapon: A lasso that I can turn into a spear whenever I want
Miracoules: Necklace
Superhero-Name: Leiurus
Gender: Female
holder: Judy
adı= Blup
kwamisi = balık
güç = su altında nefes alabiliyo
süper güçleri = hafızası efsane güçlü / çok hızlı yüzebiliyo
dönüşüm = Blup yüzgeçler dışarı
de-dönüşüm = Blup yüzgeçler içeri
en sevdiği yemek = ekmek
silah = yüzgeçleri çok sivri
miracilus = bileklik
silahını çağırma şekli = yüzgeçler sivril
süper kahraman adı = Blupsie
cinsiyet = yok
sahibi = ben :)
Name: Ralty
Kwami: dragon
My hearing will improve further when I transform
Superpower: invisible
Transformation: Ralty open your ears
De-Transformation: Close the ears
Favorite-Food: cookie
Weapon: An iron rod that I can turn into wings whenever I want
Miracoules: Necklace
Superhero-Name: misssharp
Gender: Male
holder: Eda
bu kadar oldu
Transformation:Pillar,Stripes are coming
De-Transformation:Stripes are going
Power:running in the Air
Superpower:transforming into things
Transformation:Marigicija,love push on
De-Transformation:Love push back
Name: Frosty
Kwami: snow leopard ( I tried my best;v)
Power: Ice control
Miraculous: one-piece earing
Weapon: spear
Transformation words: Frosty let's get cold!
De-transformation words: Frosty let's get warm
Favorite food: Popcorn
Owner: ofc me, lol
Power:Super jumpings
Superpower:Find secret passages
Transformation:Triin,let me jump
De-Transformation:Let me down
Favorite-Food:Chocolate Chunks
Power:Super strong
Superpower:protective shield
Transformation:Kolkanii,goes to bed
De-Transformation:Kolkanii,wake up
Favorite-Food:Ice Cubes
Miracoules:Contact Lens
Superpower:makes grow Wings
Transformation:Milky,squirt this Juice
De-Transformation:Squirt it in
Favorite-Food:Apple piece
Weapon:Magic wand
Miracoules:hair clip
Holder:Robin(my best friend)
Name: Attie
Power: blending and shapeshift
Transformation: Attie lets riot
De transform: Attie take a nap
Jewelry: choker
Favorite food: berries
Power: Shapeshift, blend in
Superhero name: Grizzly
Personality: Funny, smart, life of the party, mischievous
Name - Shado
Kwami - Wolf Demon
Power - Any Thing it can think of
Weapon - Shadow Spears
Transformation - Glowing Horns
De-transformation - Glowing Flick Off
Power Words - Shadowing
Superhero name - Shado
Favorite Food - Sour Gummy Worms
Personality- Nice,Defensive,Imagination
Rarity- Ultra- Exotic
Put on- Necklace- WILL BE AT TOP
speceis: girrafe
power: speed
Transformation: Apollo Lets rise!
De- transformation: Apollo take a rest
jewelry: star pendant (silver before transform, gold after)
Favorite food: peaches
Specail power: Hallucination gives superhero even more speed, to stun opponent
Superhero name: Agent Apollo
Personality: funny, honest, rebel
CREDIT TO: ME!! makayla
Name kroki
kwami krokodile
power jeder erstarrt wenn man ihm in die augen sieht
transformation kroki zeit zum beisen
end transformation kroki das fleisch wurde zerfleischt
miracoulos kette
lieblingsessen süses
power:she can find only by looking at someone, his/her weak points and she can teleportation
Transformation: Bell it's time to meow
De-transformation:Bell end the meow
Favorite Food:macarons
Superhero name:Lady Cat
Personality:kind,helpful,shy but sometimes talkative,funny,energetic,happy,wise
Nome: Morcius
Poder:Ultra-som (Deixar oponentes sudos ou Hipnotizados)
Transformação: Morcius! Hora de Iluminar a Noite!
Destransformação:Morcius! O Sol Raiou
Palavra do Poder:Ultra-som!
Nome do Super Herói: LadyMorcego
Comida Favorita:Pizza ou Frutas
Personalidade:Quieto, Gosta de ficar no esquro e comilão
Name - Relli
Kwami - Devil
Power - Hypnotising, Telekinisis
Weapon - Shimmer (blast that casts disorienting shimmer in opponent's eyes for couple of seconds)
Transformation - Relli, Horns Up!
De-transformation - Relli, Horns Down
Power Words - Lets steal that
Superhero name - Devilee
Favorite Food - Gummy Bears
Personality - Energetic, sometimes bossy, talkative, fun to be around
(She's a Hero)
Name: Flutter
Kwami: Hummingbird
Power: Flight (Wings)
Weapon: Shimmer (blast that casts disorienting shimmer in opponent's eyes for couple of seconds)
Transformation: Flutter, Let's Fly!
Detransformation: Flutter, Lets Land
Power words: Take off!
Superhero Name: Hummingbee
Miraculous: Charm Bracelet
Recharge food: Flowers
Name: Lily
Species: Frog
Power: Increased jumping ability and is able to grab things from afar
Weapon: Whip
Transformation words: Lily lets hop!
De-transformation words: Lily lets rest!
Jewelry: Hoop earrings
Food: waffles
species: panda
special power: freeze time for 1 minute
power:blindeing a person
transformatoin: mime fur on
de-trasformatoin: mime fur off
jewelry: bracelet
fav food: hay
personalty:shy,none socilal, very kind
Name: Luna
Species: cow
power:don't blind it for two minutes with light
Weapon: katana
Transformation:Luna, show off the patterns !
De-transformation words: Luna,turn off the patterns
Jewelry: overflow
Favorite food:weed
Name: Shimmer
Species: Firefly
Power: Temporarily blind someone
Weapon: Glow stick staff
Transformation words: Shimmer, Time to shine
De-transformation words: Shimmer, lights out
Jewelry: Necklace
Favorite food: Gummy bears
Personality: Energetic, friendly, likes to stand out, clingy
Power:Strength and illusions
Weapon:A fox themed saber
Transformation:Thunder, Storms out
De-Transformation:Thunder, Storms in
Favourite Food:Honey and Sugar
Theres also a twin miraculous of this that belongs to my bestfriend:)
This kwami is already in the show, Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir
Name: Trixx
Animal: Fox
Transformation: Trixx, let's pounce!
De-Transformation: Trixx, let's rest!
Jewelry: none
Favorite food: Pink macarons, cookie
Power: Illusion
Personality: Friendly, wise, and sometimes sarcastic
Catchphrase: "I am not a thing! Hi, I'm Trixx, and I'm your kwami!"
Superhero: Alya, Rena Rouge
Supervillain: Lila, Volpina (did not technically have a real Miraculous)
Nome: Nuxi
Caracteristicas: tímido, extrovertido as vezes, ama filmes e series, gosta de cores pretas e cianas, gosta de ler, de atenção, fica decutindo por comida é ama escutar musicas com vc.
Acessório: Pulseira De Dragão Bronze antigo
Roupa de transformação: preta com manchas brancas, uma calda ciano asas ciano, orelhas de elfo é um monoculo dourado(tipo um oculos so que e so para um olho)
Palavra de transformação: Nuxi me de asas
Palavra para de detransformação: Nuxi abaixe suas asas e descance
Poder: asas, velocidade, congelamento é tempo ( o tempo e o item "premium)
Arma: monoculo (vc pode ver tudo atraves de paredes e qualquer coisa usando esse item so nao consegue ver a identidade dos herois. /e um tipo de oculos mais so que redondo e para um olho\
Palavra de item premiun: Nuxi me de seu poder do tempo (quando falar isso vc pode escolher entre parar o tempo, voltar ou ate mesmo adiar mais cuidado quando para o tempo vc perde 2 tempos e so lhe resta 1 entao tem que ser rapido sa nao ira mostrar sua verdadeira forma)
comida favorita: Donuts é macarrons
Propriedade: Levi
Transformation words: Nelly horns out!
Detransformation words: Nelly horns in
Jewelry:Spiked necklace (like on my kwami)
Weapon:Bow n arrow (When villians get shot by one it makes them paralyzed)
Fav food:blackberries
Powers:Makes u invisible to become invisible u say "Nelly,no see" and u become invisible.
Personality:Super nice,bossy sometimes,acts like your therapist
I made one<3
It's in the end, watch it please, it worth it.
Name: Herald of death
Transformation: Herald, bring the Hell!
De-transformation: Herald, back to heaven!
Jewelry: Crown
Fav food: Nectar and ambrosia
Powers: Unknown, probably can kill u by the snap of its non-existent fingers
Personality: Really friendly and tries to fit in with people
Name: Krapsi
Animal: Tiger With Deer Ears
Weapon: Pencil With Rope
Transformation: Krapsi Collect Energies!!!
De-Transformation: Krapsi Distribute Energies!!!
Miraculous: Clasp
Favorite Food: Blueberry Donut
Power: Collecting People Energies To Make Them Tired
Personality: Affectionate,Friendly,Energetic
Owner: Belinay Demir(Me)
İsim: Krapsi
Hayvan: Geyik Kulaklı Kaplan
Silah: İpli Kalem
Dönüşüm: Krapsi Enerjileri Topla !!!
Geri Dönüşüm: Krapsi Enerjileri Dağıt!!!
Mucizevi: Toka
En Sevdiği Yemek: Yaban Mersinli Çörek
Güç: İnsanları Yormak İçin Enerjilerini Toplamak
Kişilik: Sevecen, Arkadaş Canlısı, Enerjik
Sahibi: Belinay Demir(Ben)
Note: My First Kwami :D
Not: İlk Kwamim :D
Joia: Uma testeira
Palavras para transformação: Snow, congelar!
Palavras para detransformação: Snow, aquecer.
Arma: Uma espada, que se você disser "Hora de Mirar", se transforma numa arma que atira Gelo, e para voltar ao normal, diga "Vamos lutar de perto".
Poder: Quando o herói fala "Hora de se molhar", ele ganha o poder de manipulação da água. Obs:ele pode transformar a água em gelo, e controlar o gelo, e fazer ao contrário, transformar o gelo em água.
Comida favorita: sorvete, ou qualquer coisa que seja doce.
I made another 1!
Animal: frog
Transformation: Drop let's jump!
De- transformation: Drop let's sit!
Jewelry: Necklace
Fav food: Cookies
Powers: VERY high jump
Personality: Always happy and kind
Name: Molly
Animal: Cow
Transformation: Molly time to run!
De- Transformation: Molly time to rest!
Jewelry: Ring
Favorite food: Donuts
Power: Speedy fast, can eat anything
Personality: Has some anger issues but sweet with her friends <3
Name: Lili
Species: Butterfly
Transformation: Lili, reveal your wings!
De-Transformation: Lili, hide your wings!
Jewelry: Necklace
Favorite food: Honey Biscuits
Power: Invisibility, speed and destroy anything by making it butterfly
Personality: Shy, friendly.
Name: Ruuki
Species: Devil Kwami
Transformation: Ruuki, bring the mischief
De-Transformation: Ruuki, no more mischief!
Jewelry: Black choker
Favorite food: Cookie
Power: Hypnosis and illusion
Personality: sarcastic, but adventurous
Favorite phrase: "The best kind of mischief comes from the couch!"
Superhero: ME ofc, my name is Grave
i hope its cool guys? have fun <3
transformation words: blueberry, times ticking
detransformation words: blueberry, times up
jewelry: chain
favorite food: blueberrys